Why Evil cannot be Removed

Matthew Bice
1 min readDec 6, 2018

Imagine Hitler and Gandhi, we all know who is the better person. But Gandhi wouldn’t be considered as great of a person without the evil in our world like hitler. Evil can never be eliminated as good cannot exist without evil.

Good is to evil as light is to dark, polar opposite. A dark room would not be considered dark if light did not exist in the world. The room would just be a room no light is known and no light can exist.

Evil is the same as darkness in this effect. If we remove the polar opposite to good then our universe becomes a stagnant journey leading to nowhere. A journey with no purpose or adventure.

Even though evil cannot truly be eliminated it is an interesting topic to discuss as a hypothetical utopia sounds like perfection, does it not? Utopia is the recipe for human boredom.

I cannot imagine a world where all humans are kind to one another, where the spice of life is gone. Humanity would have no goal to achieve if no evil existed. We would resort to primal instinct to survive rather than to be the social creatures we have grown to be.

Would you want a world without evil? Would a world without evil pose benefit or detriment to society? I believe a detriment to society would be caused and you should too.



Matthew Bice

It’s gonna be a good, good life that’s what my therapist say.