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Polina Lyapustina
This is Nothing Personal
1 min readAug 2, 2020

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…
Nobody else seems to move in. For now, he is sure of it. A tiny lady reads on the bench. A young couple chats in a foreign language. All passengers are set inside a stuffy trolleybus.

He’s a tall grey-haired man in the late 40s stand aside, observing space on the left and right.
Making up his mind… then grinning, “Naaah.”

He knows these sounds too well: short wind and fast heavy steps, approaching — another one.

He steps back gallantly making a room for a hurrying woman.
One second later she’s onboard. Anyone else?

He doesn’t seem any stressed. He waits. The impatient driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror urge him in.

…four, three, two, one.
Another sharp look both ways. Allowing silence, no one. He boards at his own pace. The closing doors behind him make a point.

Real people
30 July 2020



Polina Lyapustina
This is Nothing Personal

Journalist, Opera Critic, Essayist, UX and Product Designer, Mathematician and Heavy Reader