Never late

Polina Lyapustina
This is Nothing Personal
1 min readAug 4, 2020

Late afternoon. The girl’s watch has stopped.

She used to replace the battery every two years since she got it as a gift for graduation. And so she did 6 months ago.

And yet, she’s now looking at an absolutely motionless red dial of her watch.

She will be late. She’s already late and there are 3 more stops to go. A trolleybus doesn’t seem to hurry at all.

She checks the time twice after every next stop, first on her watch — getting distressed, then on the phone.

Resignedly lowered hand. Symmetric 10:10 stuck on the red dial.

Like a typical watch ad. A cruel joke for the one who’s certainly late.

Real People
30 July 2020



Polina Lyapustina
This is Nothing Personal

Journalist, Opera Critic, Essayist, UX and Product Designer, Mathematician and Heavy Reader