Nothing Soothes the Restless U.S. Spirit More

Than, the endless talk, about the generous spreading of democracy and of freedom everywhere
While constantly being willing to invade or fundamentally undermine often brown and black developing countries resisting U.S. imperialism
Anywhere and more and more Everywhere
Nothing soothes the restless North American spirit more
Than, the constant talk, about living in the land of the free and of the home of brave overflowing with countless economic opportunities for all who want to work hard and to live a good life
Nothing soothes the restless U.S. spirit more
Than, the ongoing talk on radio, in the newspapers, on TV, and in academia about the freedom of speech and of the press and the freedom of assembly
As demonstrations and protests everywhere against the ongoing genocidal violence being once again imposed on the desperately resisting Palestinians and demonstrations, which are increasingly being banned
more and more under the mercilessly plundering bourgeois-imperial system of laws and of rules
Nothing soothes the restless U.S. spirit more
Than the ongoing celebration of freedom and of democracy and of human rights
While all those who take these crucial rights seriously and decide to speak out against what is going on and to protest the unacceptable U.S. domestic and foreign policies
Are arrogantly told that they do indeed have a right to do so only with the understanding that no matter the size of the protests, or the extent of the dissent, the leaders and the elite classes, will pay no attention whatsoever to what they are protesting and decrying, in the name of law and order
Nothing soothes the restless U.S. spirit more
Than, the tireless talk, about holding the leaders accountable for their myriad acts and lack thereof
Only when all hell breaks loose, none of these leaders, is ever willing to take this responsibility and either to voluntarily resign or to be removed from their positions of power, privilege and influence
While these very same leaders continue to proclaim that they indeed do accept full responsibility and demand that those under them do the very same in the name of transparency
Nothing soothes the restless North American spirit more
But then again, this powerful and deeply embedded elite, has always been very resistant and wary of any and of all attempts, to hold it accountable and responsible for its contemptuous criminal and constantly plundering acts always devoid of solidarity and compassion, in this so-called Democratic Republican State and where we always hear that “We the People” ultimately rule
All the while those lower-down in their various increasingly elite-led anti-democratic administrations regularly end up paying the high price for their elite criminal and their corrupt political actions
Nothing soothes the restless U.S. spirit more
Than, the tireless empty and cynical elite talk, everywhere all the time about spreading of freedom, of democracy and of human rights across the globe, and which are never defined in anyway meaningful
So that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and/or freedom, democracy and human rights can be used time and again by the very same cynical elites in a wide set of often times quite contradictory and varying circumstances
But, who really cares in the north? Who cares in the west, but maybe twenty percent of the people?
While the variously elected and differing U.S. Republican and Democratic leaders always continue to strongly support the most complicitly corrupt and
utterly brutal regimes overseas especially in poor black and brown countries worldwide
Violently suppressing ongoing local resistance against endless northern and western neo-colonial neoliberal plunder.

©Gregory Gilbert Gumbs



Gregory Gilbert Gumbs
Nothing Soothes the Restless U.S. Spirit More

Gregory Gilbert Gumbs is a lawyer, criminologist, screenwriter, widely-published poet, essayist and a Ph.D. political scientist.