Interview tip #2: Flipping the Script: Turn ‘What Do You Bring to the Table’ into a Showstopper Moment!

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2 min readJan 8, 2024
Let this question be your showstopper! (credits: Unsplash)

This infamous question can catch even the most prepared candidate off guard. But fear not! Here’s a simple structure to turn this challenge into an opportunity to showcase your unique value:

1. Hook them with relevant experience & impact on the Company

What? Introduce yourself in one punchy line, highlighting your experience and a key challenge tackled.

Structure? Roles played — companies worked (also sector) — challenges addressed (preferably, at company level)

Example: “5 years in marketing, leading data-driven campaigns {ROLE] for Fortune 500s like Nestle [COMPANY], boosting their brand awareness by 30% in a saturated food market [IMPACT].”

2. Highlight the latest experience (or the most relevant one)

What? Take this as a chance to show recent experience relevant to the role with quantifiable data (be careful, they could ask you more on this through the interview)

Structure? Impact with numbers — collaboration with specific client levels — technology used.

Example: Built a targeted email campaign [TECH SKILLS] with Spotify’s digital director on their new music platform [CLIENT], increasing subscriber sign-ups by 15% in just 3 months [IMPACT].

3. Spotlight Unique Strength valuable to the role

What? Share two quick experiences illustrating a valuable soft skill for the new role.

Structure? Addressing challenge 1 & 2 — concluding line highlighting the specific skill.

Example: I have navigated conflicting team opinions at a startup to avoid scheduling delays [ADDRESSING CHALLENGE1], fostered open communication between departments at Uber to launch a new service [ADDRESSING CHALLENGE2] showing strong teamwork and collaboration [SKILL].

4. Depict and Bridge the gap:

What? Connect your skills and experience to the specific needs of the company and the applied role.

Structure? Skills you have — Skills you need to grow — role you want

Example: “With an understanding of supply chain dynamics and warehouse operations and experience of implementing a just-in-time inventory management system to reduce stock holding costs by 20% [SKILLS YOU HAVE], I have gained exposure into logistics which would be useful as I am looking [NEED TO GROW] to foray in inventory management and help predict demand, understand lead times and build supplier relationships — which is what I shall learn from this role.

Another tip !!

End with a genuine compliment about a unique thing the company excels at.

Go forth and shine! ✨



Notice Board

Thankyou for reading. Sharing stories and thoughts as I am learning in life. Publication ( for job hunting & interview tips.