Resume Blunder 101: The Solo Sabotage You Can’t Ignore!

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3 min readJan 7, 2024
The resume chaos. Credits:Unsplash

Resume power lies in precision. It’s a fine line — too few keywords, you fade; too many, you overwhelm. Nail that sweet spot, captivate, and land the job you deserve. Period.

Shockingly, only 51% nail it- getting the relevant skills right.- Austin Belcak, Cultivated Culture

Let me help bust a few myths and share some tips based on thousands of resumes I have skimmed!

Myth 1: Keywords are just for ATS.

Reality: Dead Wrong!

Keywords aren’t just some secret code for machines; they’re your golden ticket to grab both robot eyes (aka the Applicant Tracking System) and human eyeballs (aka the awesome folks in HR).

Wondering where to sprinkle these magic words for maximum impact?

Two prime spots:

  • Pop those keywords as a list of skills right at the summit of your resume aka superhero resume intro. Make it unmissable.
  • Weave those keywords into your work experience as an awesome achievement.

Myth 2: More keywords = better ranking.

Reality: Not a chance

Think of it as the law of diminishing returns: more isn’t always merrier, and your resume might end up in the spam folder quicker than you can say “applicant tracking system.”

Here’s the deal: aiming for a measly 1–2 keywords won’t cut it. That’s like trying to tell your life story in a tweet. On the flip side, going all out with 8–10 is like bringing a novel to a speed-dating event — way too much!

The sweet spot? Four to six carefully chosen keywords- use them like a secret handshake with the job description, showing you speak the lingo but still have your own unique voice. Remember, it’s all about quality, not quantity.

Myth 3: Mirroring KWs does not guarantee success

Reality: Absolutely spot on!

There are really two things : Pick the juiciest keywords and then tailor your flavors:

Tools like Jobscan, LinkedIn Job Search, and LumenWorks can be your best grocery helpers, helping you find the KWs from the job description.

Now, let’s take an example from sales. Whether you’re chasing deals, managing accounts, or serving up customer satisfaction, the keywords differ. It’s not a one-size-fits-all.

For a Business Development role, spice it up with prospecting, lead generation, and forging new client relationships. Flip the script for Account Management — stir in maintaining and expanding existing client relationships, add a dash of upselling and cross-selling. Voila! Your resume becomes a tailored masterpiece, not a generic photocopy.

Myth 4: You can list generic skills to appeal to any job.

Reality: Don’t Fall for It!

The key is to transform those bland words into action-packed achievements. Here’s the 4-step secret sauce:

  • Action: What did you do?
  • Task: What was the specific area of impact?
  • Number (vs): Quantify your success and compare it to a benchmark
  • Achievement: Describe the positive outcome

Example 1: “Skyrocketed [ACTION] online qualified leads [TASK] by a jaw-dropping 50% (vs industry growth 12%) [NUMBER vs], leading to a leaner team with reduced dependencies on offline agents [ACHIEVEMENT].”

Example 2: “Revolutionized [ACTION] a multi-departmental program launch [TASK], slashing costs by an impressive $150,000 per $1.5Bn revenue [NUMBER vs], all while securing a higher CSAT score [ACHIEVEMENT].”

In conclusion, navigating the realm of keywords on your resume demands a strategic approach. Remember, keywords are powerful tools when used wisely. Embrace their potential, avoid common pitfalls, and build a resume that showcases your unique value proposition. The dream job awaits!



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Thankyou for reading. Sharing stories and thoughts as I am learning in life. Publication ( for job hunting & interview tips.