Notifi Integrates Injective: Powering Notifications for Blockchain Networks and their Communities

Derek Hinojosa
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2024

Notifi is excited to announce its integration with Injective, the lightning-fast Layer 1 blockchain optimized for building decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. This integration represents an important milestone for both parties, as they collaborate to enhance communication channels across the entire Injective ecosystem — from consumers to traders, developers and node operators.

And through this collaboration, Injective utilizes Notifi’s newest offering in its suite of communication products and dev tools — Notifi Foundation and Validator Alerts. Foundation and Validator Alerts are the enterprise communication solution for blockchain networks and foundations.

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Injective: A Layer 1 Built For Finance

Injective’s mission is to create a free and inclusive financial system through decentralization.

Built using the Cosmos SDK and powered by the Tendermint proof-of-stake consensus, Injective offers lightning-fast transactions and instant finality. It has rapidly emerged as one of the fastest-growing ecosystems for highly interoperable, scalable, and truly decentralized DeFi applications.

At its core, Injective provides developers with robust out-of-the-box modules, such as a fully decentralized orderbook, binary options, and real-world asset (RWA) support. These modules empower developers to build sophisticated financial applications tailored to diverse use cases.

With the ease of development and a highly interoperable platform, Injective achieves mass appeal for DeFi apps.

Blockchain Networks Need Better Notification Tools to Reach Their Broad User Base

Notifi’s integration with Injective represents a strategic collaboration that addresses a crucial need for blockchain networks and those who are part of the ecosystem: enterprise-grade notification services to communicate effectively with their broad set of stakeholders and audiences.

Those who need to stay abreast of new updates on a blockchain network often encounter challenges in receiving such updates through reliable communication channels.

Here are three key challenges contributors face:

Receiving the information they want, in their preferred channel

There are multiple contributor personas for blockchain ecosystems: community members, developers, node operators, and traders.

However, each group has different preferences for communication channels. Community members favor platforms like Telegram and Discord. Enterprise and business users expect updates via Slack, Telegram, and email.

Juggling timely updates across all these disparate channels is an immense challenge.

Developers struggling to keep up with SDK and critical technology updates

Developers across a broad ecosystem struggle to stay informed about breaking changes to software development kits (SDKs).

Without a simple and scalable way to communicate, developers struggle to stay informed about the latest SDK versions and updates.

This makes it challenging for dApp developers to ensure dApp uptimes and compatibility with the latest upgrades, ultimately impacting the user experience and TVL across the entire blockchain ecosystem.

Node Operators experiencing unforeseen disruptions

Downtime and disruptions can have severe repercussions for node operators and infrastructure providers in the blockchain space.

Without timely notifications about planned upgrades and maintenance, providers struggle to maintain operational continuity, which impacts all dApps running on the chain.

Existing communication solutions are fully manual and do not fully address the unique requirements of the decentralized industry, necessitating a tailored solution to bridge this communication gap.

Maintaining a consistent presence and delivering relevant updates to every persona through their preferred channels is extremely resource-intensive. This fragmentation undermines productivity and makes it difficult to ensure all stakeholders stay properly informed and engaged.

Injective Notifications

Injective Notifications: Tailored to the needs of a fully decentralized ecosystem, it offers a common platform for real-time alerts for four user segments: developers, node operators, traders and community members.

Notification Infrastructure for all of Injective’s stakeholders — including Node Operators, Developers, Traders and Consumers

The new Injective Notifications page introduces a range of essential alerts and notifications for all users in the Injective ecosystem, categorized into four key segments:

Injective Developers

  • Typescript, Python, and Go SDK: Receive notifications on new features or breaking changes in each SDK.
  • Tooling & Utilities: Receive notifications on new ecosystem tooling and chain features that can be leveraged to build on Injective.

Injective Node Operators

  • Mainnet Chain Upgrades: Receive notifications on planned mainnet chain upgrades and expected network downtime.
  • Testnet Chain Upgrades: Receive notifications on planned testnet chain upgrades and expected network downtime.
  • Indexer Upgrades: Receive notifications on new features or breaking changes in the Indexer developed by Injective Labs.
  • IBC Channels: Receive notifications on new IBC channels the foundation officially requests support from relayers.

Traders on Injective

  • OLP Program: Receive notifications on updates to the OLP program.
  • T&E Program: Receive notifications on updates to the T&E program.
  • Spot Market Listings: Receive notifications on new spot market listings on Injective’s CLOB.
  • Futures Market Listings: Receive notifications on new futures market listings on Injective’s CLOB.
  • Pre-launch Futures Market Listings: Receive notifications on new pre-launch futures market listings on Injective’s CLOB.
  • General Updates: Receive notifications on general trading updates.

Injective Community

  • Weekly Updates: Receive notifications on weekly ecosystem updates.
  • Governance Proposals: Receive notifications on new governance proposals.
  • Ambassador Updates: Receive notifications on new ambassador missions, updates, and more.
  • Ecosystem Campaigns: Receive notifications on new ecosystem campaigns.

All users can now receive real-time updates through their preferred communication platforms, including Telegram, Discord, email, and Slack.

Without building custom notification systems from scratch, Injective leverages Notifi to scale their notifications effectively.

“Injective’s collaboration with Notifi marks a pivotal moment. Notifi’s robust notification system is a game-changer for Injective’s community, offering crucial visibility to market makers, validators, dApps, and end users alike. With Notifi’s seamless support, Injective continues to lead the industry with unparalleled user experience.” — Jenna Peterson, CEO of Injective Foundation.

For Injective, enhancing communication through seamless notifications brings significant advantages, especially as enterprise users.

Two Advantages for Injective’s Enterprise Users

This new webpage enables extensive channel coverage and effective communication with not just consumers and community members, but enterprise partners, developers, and other stakeholders through a single solution.

Receive sensitive and relevant notifications directly within a Slack workspace

Enabling Slack to be one of the channels for notifications to occur makes Injective Notifications truly enterprise-grade.

This seamless integration eliminates the need for team members to constantly monitor multiple channels or inboxes, reducing the risk of missing crucial information. Instead, mission-critical alerts, SDK updates, network upgrades, and other essential notifications are delivered straight to the appropriate Slack channels, ensuring that the right people are informed promptly.

This reduces communication overhead, enhances team productivity, and promotes a more efficient and collaborative working environment for teams.

Dedicated Full-Screen Experience For All Stakeholders

Unlike the compact Notifi bell and Notifi Card, this new full-screen UI offers a dedicated, full-screen inbox tailored for all of Injective’s users — enterprise users, developers, node operators, as well as consumers. This immersive interface enhances visibility and engagement with critical notifications.

Notifi Foundation and Validator Alerts: enterprise-grade notifications for blockchain ecosystems and foundations

This collaboration between Injective and Notifi utilizes Notifi’s newest product offering: the Notifi Foundation and Validator Alerts. This platform is designed for blockchain networks and foundations to engage with all user segments through a single tool — from consumer audiences to validators worried about getting slashed. It is also the first truly enterprise-grade communication solution in crypto, offers advanced PII and user management controls, Slack as a destination and PagerDuty-style voice call escalation functionality.

By leveraging Notifi’s Foundation and Validator Alerts, developers can rapidly implement rich notification capabilities, achieving feature parity with Web2 platforms for notifications and user engagement — for all user segments.

Interested in learning more about Foundation and Validator Alerts?

Notifi invites all blockchain networks and foundations to learn about Notifi Foundation Alerts today. We would love to hear from you — reach out to our team below!

  1. Reach out to our BD team on Telegram
  2. Send us an email at

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