Stay Ahead of the Curve: Effective Communication for TGEs and Mainnet Launches with Notifi Foundation Alerts

Derek Hinojosa
Published in
7 min readJun 27, 2024

Did you know that many Token Generation Events (TGEs) and Mainnet Launches fail to meet their communication targets due to slow communication, less-than-ideal engagement, and incomplete analytics to rectify these missteps faster?

Notifi’s Foundation Alerts are designed to prevent and even supercharge these canon events, by streamlining communication and enhancing engagement, ensuring that your project stays ahead of the curve.

It’s time to make that TGE and Launch a resounding success!

Notifications and Seamless Pre-Launch Operations (Pre-TGE)

Blockchains (Layer 1 and Layer 2) form the backbone of web3, providing the fundamental architecture upon which decentralized applications (dApps) are built. For these ecosystems, growing and maintaining robust communication channels is critical to ensuring network stability, user trust and ecosystem growth.

Timely and Accurate Information for Stakeholder and Community Confidence

Pre-TGE, the importance of publishing timely and accurate information cannot be overstated. Potential investors, key stakeholders, and community members rely on these updates to make informed decisions and maintain confidence in the project. Keeping them informed and engaged, means being front and center with stakeholders and users, whether they are.

Notifi’s Foundation Alerts enable project teams to disseminate critical updates, announcements, and progress reports to a targeted audience, whether through email, Telegram, Discord, or even Slack and their Wallers. This constant 1-to-1 communication is crucial in fostering trust and confidence throughout the process. It keeps them engaged through key updates and events, such as new quests or new DeFi Ecosystem Projects to explore until the TGE itself.

Spotlight on Xion: Building Anticipation and Trust

Xion, built by the Burnt Finance team, is a new Layer 1 on Cosmos preparing for a Mainnet Launch. They will use Notifi’s Foundation Alerts to keep their community and node operators informed about major milestones, governance updates, and campaigns and missions leading up to their TGE.

They chose Notifi to streamline their ability to engage various stakeholders via one unified experience, from driving retail demand to keeping blockchain infrastructure running smoothly. This transparent communication strategy helps build anticipation (and a burgeoning contact list) while ensuring confidence among Xion’s supporters remains strong — all of which positions Xion for a successful launch.

Starting early with a robust contact also helps Xion direct active stakeholders to their growing dApp ecosystem, thus strengthening overall ecosystem adoption and hype.

Stay Connected with Potential Investors, Key Stakeholders, and the Community (During and Post TGE)

During TGEs and Mainnet Launches, engaging the community is vital for the success of a blockchain ecosystem, as they strive to offer scalable solutions and enhanced functionality. Whether they are Layer 1 or Layer 2 network, effective communication is equally important to ensure smooth operations and user satisfaction during and after TGE.

The Crucial Role of Downtime Notifications

During the pre-launch phase of a blockchain, any downtime or performance issues can have significant repercussions, such as loss of investor confidence and significant total value locked (TVL) and user financial losses. Status quo methods of individually messaging dozens of threads are often slow and inefficient, leaving the chain core team scrambling and uninformed stakeholders unable to respond during critical moments.

Notifi’s Foundation Alerts changes this process by providing instant notifications to developers, node operators, and investors, ensuring that everyone stays informed and can act quickly. Messages can be sent to all stakeholders manually through Notifi’s single Community Manager portal, or better yet; alerts can be automated and programmatically triggered through Notifi.

Case Study: Injective’s Success with Foundation Alerts

Injective, a leading Layer 1 built on Cosmos, exemplifies the benefits of Notifi’s Foundation Alerts post-TGE. By integrating these alerts, Injective engages stakeholders during maintenance windows, SDK upgrades, and other critical events to support operational integrity. This proactive approach prevents potential disruptions, safeguards investor confidence, and showcases the value of real-time communication in maintaining seamless operations.

“Injective’s continued collaboration with Notifi has continued to offer crucial visibility to market makers, validators, dApps, and end users alike. Injective’s communication and transparency through Notifi’s support has never been better.” — Jenna Peterson, CEO of Injective Foundation.

This is essential to maintaining transparency with their community and stakeholders. Foundation Alerts ensure timely updates on protocol upgrades, security patches, and governance proposals. This transparency continues to grow trust among users and investors, fostering an increasingly robust ecosystem around the protocol.

Try out Injective Notifications.

Collecting Information from Willing Users for Enhanced Engagement and Community Building

Foundation Alerts facilitate two-way communication, allowing project teams to gather feedback through decentralized surveys and on-chain interactions. This user-driven approach helps shape the future development of blockchain ecosystems, ensuring they meet the needs and expectations of their community.

Example from GMX: Leveraging Community Insights

GMX, an industry-leading decentralized exchange (DEX), leveraged Notifi’s Foundation Alerts for marketing, governance engagement, and trading. By actively engaging with its community and incorporating their insights, GMX can better cater to the needs of their traders and the ecosystem of developers building on top of GMX’s DEX smart contracts.

In the long run, notifications make GMX more approachable for newcomers and crypto-native traders, allowing GMX to transition traders from centralized finance (CeFi) to self-custody DeFi.

Try out GMX Alerts.

Operation and Marketing Features to Stay Ahead of The Curve

Notifi’s Foundation Alerts go beyond operational communication, offering powerful marketing features that can significantly amplify a project’s reach and engagement. Project teams can utilize email campaigns, social media integration, and analytics tracking to maximize their marketing efforts.

Multi-Channel Support: Reaching Users Wherever They Are

One of the standout features of Notifi’s Foundation Alerts is its multi-channel support, which ensures that users receive updates through their preferred channels, whether it be email, Telegram, Discord, Slack, or even wallets. This flexibility is inherently crypto-native, distinguishing Notifi from traditional notification systems like PagerDuty.

By meeting users where they are, Notifi enhances the overall user experience and ensures that critical updates are never missed.

Key Benefits of Foundation Alerts to TGEs and Mainnet Launches

Summing up the key benefits that Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchain networks can enjoy from implementing Notifi’s Foundation Alerts as they perform their TGEs and Mainnet Launches:

  • Immediate Notifications on Critical Events: From pre-launch operations to post-launch, Foundation Alerts provides instant notifications for any issues or updates during each phase, ensuring that everyone, from node operators and developers to end-users, is always informed and can take immediate action to resolve any problems or respond proactively.
  • Real-Time Updates on Development Progress: Protocols often introduce new features and enhancements to improve scalability and user experience. Foundation Alerts keeps stakeholders and the community updated on development milestones, security developments, and governance proposals, ensuring they are aware of the latest progress and innovations. This transparency helps build confidence in the protocol’s capabilities and future potential.
  • Enhanced Communication with Retail and Investors: Specifically keep investors in the loop with timely updates on project developments and key vitals to foster high levels of trust and confidence in your protocols as you approach the token launch.
  • Customizable Alerts for Targeted Communication: With Foundation Alerts, protocols can tailor notifications to specific criteria such as investor sentiment, market conditions, or regulatory changes. This targeted approach ensures that stakeholders receive only the most relevant information, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of communication efforts.
  • Multi-Channel Support and Actionable Analytics: Go a step further by enriching support for on-chain email campaigns, social media integration, and analytics tracking to maximize reach and engagement, through the kiles of Telegram, Slack and other preferred channels.
  • Community Building and Enhanced Engagement: Building a strong and engaged community is essential. Foundation Alerts enable project teams to conduct decentralized user surveys, gather insights, and engage with the community through on-chain interactions and channels. This feedback loop is crucial for continuous improvement and fostering a loyal user base.

Notifi Foundation Alerts as Key Success to TGEs and Mainnet Launches

Ready to take your TGE and Mainnet Launch to the next level? Schedule a demo or contact our sales team to discuss how Notifi can support your specific needs and objectives, with three options to get started:

  1. Get started immediately by creating your Notifi Admin account here
  2. Reach out to our BD team on Telegram
  3. Send us an email at

Our team is ready to help you integrate web3 native messaging into your dApp and ecosystem, unlocking a new level of user experience and engagement.

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