Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Boost Sales

Enhancing Store Performance

Margarita Ramsten
4 min readMar 12, 2024


Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Boost Sales

Online businesses are always looking for ways to enhance their store performance and ultimately drive sales. Luckily, with the power of WordPress plugins, merchants can take their online stores to the next level by optimizing the user experience, increasing conversions, and improving website speed and navigation. In this article, we’ll explore five of the top WordPress plugins designed to boost your store’s performance and help you achieve your sales goals. Here are the TOP-5 WordPress plugins to boost sales:


Notify.Events is a powerful notification system that keeps merchants updated on key store events, such as new orders, low inventory levels, and customer inquiries. With Notify.Events for WordPress, merchants can receive instant notifications on their desktop, mobile, via SMS, push, or through popular messaging apps such as Slack or Telegram. The plugin also integrates with WooCommerce, Email, and other popular platforms for e-commerce. For example, website monitoring tools like Grafana and UptimeRobot. By setting up store notifications, you can significantly increase the speed of order processing, resulting in happier customers and more sales.

Notify.Events notification plugin for WordPress
Notify.Events plugin interface. Source —


First up, we have OptinMonster. This is a conversion rate optimization plugin that offers a range of features designed to increase lead generation and sales. With OptinMonster, you can create eye-catching pop-ups, slide-ins, and other forms to capture leads and encourage sign-ups. OptinMonster also offers A/B testing, targeting rules, and page-level targeting, to fine-tune your campaigns for maximum conversions. By presenting relevant offers and enticing visitors to join your email list, you can nurture relationships and increase the chances of driving future sales.

OptinMonster plugin for WordPress
OptinMonster plugin interface. Source — Source —

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is another game-changer when it comes to increasing sales and improving user experience on your WordPress site. With its powerful SEO features, Yoast SEO allows you to optimize your website to rank higher in search engine results. By improving your visibility, you can attract more organic traffic and increase the chances of converting visitors into customers. Yoast SEO also provides valuable insights on keyword optimization and readability, ensuring that your content engages both search engines and users.

Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress
Yoast SEO plugin interface. Source —

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist is a plugin that adds a wishlist functionality to your WooCommerce store. With this plugin, customers can create a wishlist of products they would like to purchase, increasing the likelihood of a future sale. The plugin also provides insights into your customers’ preferences and can be used for targeted marketing campaigns.

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin for WordPress
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin. Source —


Now, let’s talk about MonsterInsights. This plugin allows you to connect your website to Google Analytics effortlessly. With MonsterInsights, you can track key metrics such as traffic sources, popular content, conversions, and more. By understanding your audience’s behavior, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies and increase sales. MonsterInsights offers a user-friendly interface and powerful reporting capabilities, making it a valuable tool for any website owner looking to drive traffic and boost engagement.

MonsterInsights plugin for WordPress
MonsterInsights plugin interface. Source —


Optimizing store performance is key to driving sales and staying competitive in the marketplace. With the top WordPress plugins mentioned above, merchants can enhance their user experience, increase conversions, and achieve their sales goals. From WP Rocket’s website speed optimization to Yoast SEO’s advanced SEO functionality, these plugins offer a range of features to help your store achieve new heights of success. Don’t forget to use Notify.Events to stay on top of the game and receive event notifications in real time. Start incorporating these plugins into your store today and watch your sales growing.

Share this article with fellow WordPress users or anyone looking to boost their sales. Remember, success is just a plugin away!

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