THE portfolio to unleash your professional potential!

Joris Baker
Notion Next
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2024

Create an engaging portfolio website from scratch with this FREE Notion template.

In today’s competitive job market, a standout portfolio can be the key to unlocking new career opportunities. That’s why I’ve designed the Notion Portfolio Template.

Here are the features and benefits that make this template an essential tool for professionals ready to elevate their career prospects.

Key Features:

  • 📂 Comprehensive Portfolio Design: crafted to provide a rich and interactive experience. It’s designed to help you exhibit your career journey in a compelling way that resonates with potential employers and/or clients.
  • 🔗 Integrated Professional Links: Connect your LinkedIn, Github, and more directly in your portfolio. This seamless integration allows viewers to explore the depths of your work and expertise with just a click.
  • 🖼️ Visual Case Study Gallery: Showcase your most impactful projects through eye-catching visuals and insightful summaries, making your achievements both accessible and impressive.
  • 💼 Skills and Expertise Display: A section to present your software proficiencies, languages, and areas of expertise.
  • 🎨 Personalized Branding: Customize the template to reflect your unique brand identity.
  • 📬 Contact Information Accessibility: This feature ensures that opportunities are just a click away.


  • Highlight Your Career Narrative: Align your professional experiences in a storytelling format that captivates your audience. This narrative approach helps you connect on a deeper level with viewers.
  • Streamlined Project Presentation: The template is efficiently structured to bring forward the value and outcomes of your past work, making it easier for viewers to appreciate your contributions.
  • Ready for Immediate Use: With the freedom to tweak and tune as desired, the template is set for immediate personalization and use. This means you can start showcasing your professional journey right away.
  • Bridge to Opportunities: More than just a presentation tool, this template is designed to open doors to new collaborations and career opportunities.

Experience the Notion Portfolio Template

This isn’t just a static page — it’s a dynamic gateway to showcasing your professional milestones and skills. Designed with the understanding that a powerful portfolio can pivot a career, the Notion template equips you to create a lasting impression.

Whether you’re a data analyst, operations manager, or any professional ready to shine in the digital landscape, it’s time to make your mark. Your next opportunity is just a well-crafted portfolio away!

Get Your Notion Portfolio Template Today!

Here’s how to bring the template into your workspace:

  1. Navigate to the template page by clicking here: Notion Portfolio Template.
  2. Locate the duplicate icon at the top right of the page, symbolized by two overlapping squares.
  3. Click on this icon to copy the entire template directly into your Notion workspace. If prompted, enter your Notion credentials.

And that’s all it takes! Begin personalizing your portfolio, showcase your skills, and share your professional journey with ease.

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