10 Reasons Why the Notm will gain a victory against the fakenews. 💪

Alex Notm
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2019

The Notm project is made out of three components, that when cooperating, increase the positive influence of each other:

  • The Notm platform is a news platform with a content accuracy protection (that is performed with the help of geolocation approval and consensus).
  • The Notm Bank is a Financial institution, that service accounts and credits give-out to the individuals and entities.
  • The Notm Exchange is a cryptocurrency stock exchange with a margin trading.

Every project can successfully exist as a separately functioning business, however only the cooperation among these projects will perform the best and give the most winning result.

So, let’s talk about why exactly the Notm platform will be able to become a platform with accurate news content:
1. Geolocation — with the help of if the Notm platform will be protected from the fake users, that are not at the scene of event.
2. Any person at the scene of event will be able to create, edit, confirm or turn down the news, which will give us an opportunity to form the most objective image of the event.
3. The authors, who publish the fake news, if having the proper evidence, will be blocked forever without a possibility of restoring.
4. The authors will get rewards in the Notm tokens. Blocked accounts are not getting the rewards, that’s why the authors will be interested in publishing the accurate and high-quality news content.
5. The authors are not public people, that’s why nobody is able to influence them in publishing wittingly fake news.
6. The content authors can order a payment card with instant converting of the Notm tokens into fiat funds and pay for goods or services at almost anywhere in the world. It will give the authors an ability to travel and publish news from anywhere in the world.
7. The news authors are not the Notm platform employees, that’s why they don’t have any duties of completing the task given by the authority or following the working schedule. They publish the news they witnessed only, and they are free to do it anytime.
8. The authors, caught submitting the fake publication (if having a proper evidence) lose the ability of submitting, turning down, creating and editing the news.
9. The geolocation checking will have a 2-step protection — GPS and LBS.
10. There won’t be any moderation of different points of view in the comments section.

Web site Notm.io

