Google, Apple and Other Users of Vue.js

The most famous companies that currently use Vue.js

Luca Spezzano


Updated on 21–03–2022

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A few days ago, I landed on the Google career website, my attention was caught by an icon of my DevTools extension for debugging Vue.js applications was active!

This means that Google uses Vue.js, that surprised me a lot. Indeed in the last years, the interest in Vue.js increased significantly, but I didn’t expect that a company like Google has already started to use it.

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Who can answer better than Stackoverflow (the biggest community of developers)? This survey by Stackoverflow shows that in 2020 React.js and Vue.js are the most loved and most wanted JavaScipt frameworks by developers.

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Luca Spezzano

Frontend developer focused on CSS architecture of scalable and maintainable large scale projects and the development of amazing user interfaces.