How I Stopped Writing CSS

I changed the way I use CSS thanks to Tailwind

Luca Spezzano


Tailwind CSS classes

As a frontend developer focused on the CSS architecture, I like to use the best methodologies to write my code. I always do research to understand the frameworks that suit my needs and can be scalable.

A few months ago talking with my colleague the name of a CSS framework came out: Tailwind CSS.

Usually, I used Bootstrap for most of my projects, but a few weeks ago, I started to use Tailwind and it completely changed my way of using CSS.

What is Tailwind CSS

As we can read on the official website

Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.

The truth is that many CSS frameworks have too many components predesigned and many times we are forced to overwrite them, especially when we work with highly customized UIs.

Instead of predesigned components, Tailwind provides utility classes that let you build your custom designs without ever



Luca Spezzano

Frontend developer focused on CSS architecture of scalable and maintainable large scale projects and the development of amazing user interfaces.