How We Created our New Website with the Design Sprint

From the Idea to the Prototype in Four Days

Luca Spezzano


What is the Design Sprint

The Design Sprint is a proven process, that can be from four to five days in its full version.
It is a process for validating ideas and solving significant challenges through prototyping and testing ideas with customers.
It is developed by Google Ventures and increasingly used by large companies. It is one of the most effective ways to quickly find solutions to complex problems in teams as an alternative to classic exhausting meetings and long work sessions that often prove to be less productive.

It is essential that all the work team is present during at least the first three days of the Design Sprint. The process works to the best of its potential if the ideas and discussions arise from the active participation of each interested member in the project, in our case 6 team members participated in the sprint.

The Design Sprint in Starteed (our company)

The Desing Sprint methodology is well defined and shared, but over time different versions of the process have been born and, after an in-depth analysis of the various proposals, for our project we have decided…



Luca Spezzano

Frontend developer focused on CSS architecture of scalable and maintainable large scale projects and the development of amazing user interfaces.