Micro Frontends Architecture

The future of frontend development

Luca Spezzano


In the last years, microservices have exploded in popularity, and many companies are using them to avoid the limitations of large, monolithic backends.

But today many companies continue to struggle with monolithic frontend codebases.

Micro Frontends come to help!

What are Micro Frontends?

The term Micro Frontends extends the concepts of microservices to the frontend world.

With Micro Frontends we can think about a website or web app as a composition of features which are owned and developed by independent teams.
Each team develop its features independently.
When I say Independently, I mean also using different technology stacks if the teams prefer.

An example of Micro Frontends



Luca Spezzano

Frontend developer focused on CSS architecture of scalable and maintainable large scale projects and the development of amazing user interfaces.