Don’t count on a crisis for your revolution

Malie Watson
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2020

The first episode from our email series, ‘The Provocation’.

We’ve noticed people are already talking about the amazing changes that can happen in workplaces and schools now that 89% of kids are at home, and most of the workforce, too.

What history shows us is that, in spite of massive turbulence, old habits really do die hard. The chances of revolutionising education or “smart working” in the mourning period of this crisis are slim. We’ll build new habits over the next 90 days — that’s what it takes to build a habit. But we also know it takes just days to break them.

That’s why it’s so important that leaders don’t panic, don’t rush to name the revolution that won’t happen, but instead set up a large chunk of their workforce to do what they could have done at any time in the past ten years: ask how they might work, think, learn or play differently, to achieve more, be happier and choose the way they live.

That’s been NoTosh’s mission for the last ten years, and crisis or not, we’ve helped organisations transform the way they choose to work. Don’t let yourself be fooled that a crisis will change anyone’s mind. If anything, people will run back as quickly as they can to the comfort of old habits.

David Abbott
David Abbott

The Evidence

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