Buy NYM without KYC with NYM Wallet
With the new versions of the Nym Wallet, you can now buy NYM without KYC (“Know-Your-Customer”). This allows the most privacy cautious among us to acquire these tokens without revealing lots of information about our private sphere!
The only condition is: pay in bitcoin.
In this article, we’ll show you, step by step, how to buy NYM this way.
⚠️ If you configured your browser to block tiers and non-visited cookies, you’ll need to re-configure it (or use another browser) for these to not be blocked. Otherwise, the service will ask you to authenticate with a Bity account, which is precisely what we are trying to avoid! ⚠️
The procedure
First, make sure to have the Nym Wallet at a version at least 1.1.2. If necessary, upgrade it (binaries for this specific version are here).
After unlocking your account, go under the “Buy” tab of the Nym Wallet where we will find the instructions. First step: click on the “Buy NYM” buttons which will lead our browser to
Landing on the website, we are asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions of the service, that we do after a very careful read, of course! 😎
This being done, we need to chose how much NYM we want to buy or how much BTC we want to spend. For this demo, we bought 100 NYM.
We then need to fill in the destination address of our Nym Wallet to which the NYM will be sent to.
In order to prove that we indeed own the wallet we would like to receive the NYM on, we will need to sign with our private key a text provided by the platform. This could be complicated but the new feature of the Nym Wallet really makes it easy for us here! All we need to do is click on the “Sign message” button in the Nym Wallet, copy the text displayed on the website, paste it into the field in the wallet and click on “Sign”.
The newly displayed text can be copy-pasted in the website as shown in the picture below. Once we will hit “Continue”, we’ll have 10 minutes to do the payment from our BTC wallet so we better make sure that we have it ready with the required funds.
We can then see the informations required to proceed to the payment.
Once done, we can hit the “I made the payment” button and we’ll land on a waiting page.
After a few minutes, the payment is marked as received and the NYM will soon pop in our Nym Wallet!
We can now spend these NYM or delegate them to our favorite mixnode, one of No Trust Verify of course! 😉
About No Trust Verify
We are members of the #VerifyValley. We support the Nym Technologies network and contribute to it since the testnet. We are happy to strengthen the mixnet with our mixnodes and our gateways.
Developer of and
✅ Hosted in Switzerland
✅ Guaranteed commission: 5%.
✅ Bandwidth: 10 Gbit/s
Identity keys:
NTV2 : 4yRfauFzZnejJhG2FACTVQ7UnYEcFUYw3HzXrmuwLMaR
NTV3 : ESPa5xnwZ7BebSX9SGmUbeYgNtkUeJo8PtbBx7JhzEHA
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