Have a good time on Pornhub through the mixnet

No Trust Verify
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2023

NymConnect is an interface allowing in one click to connect to the mixnet of Nym. The objective of NymConnect is to improve the confidentiality of the applications & sites that you already use by protecting your traffic from an observer and even from the application or site itself.

In today’s application case, No Trust Verify shows you how to have a good time on Pornhub while preserving your privacy. Please note that this only works on PC.

1st step

You need to download NymConnect via the following link:

2nd step

Open NymConnect, and click on the drop-down menu at the top left of the screen.

Select Settings, then turn ON.

Copy & Paste the following Service Provider :


3rd step

You must now configure your browser to use the proxy:

Configuration Brave/ Chrome

In order to be able to “divert” your connection on Pornhub to the mixnet you need to install an extension called Proxy SwitchOmega to configure a proxy (socks5).

First of all, install the SwitchOmega Proxy extension and go to the bar and open the installed extensions.

Click in the SwitchyOmega extension icon, then select Options.

Then click on “proxy” and add this one:

Protocol : SOCKS5

Server :

Port : 1080

Then click on Apply changes.

After applying changes, on Brave toolbar select the proxy your created

Configuration Firefox

The configuration of this browser is quite simple since the proxies are native.

Go to Settings.

Then, in the general settings, scroll down to Network Settings and click on Settings.

Then you just have to fill in the fields as follows:

This will allow traffic to be redirected to the mixnet through the No Trust Verify proxy. All other traffic will still go through your own connection.

4th step

All you have to do is launch NymConnect and connect to Pornhub.

The right to enjoy oneself is a fundamental right just like the right to privacy. Now our favorite community manager Sudonym will be able to do his favorite searches with the keyword Pineapple🍍 in all serenity!

The whole team of No Trust Verify wishes you a pleasant moment!



No Trust Verify

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