Let’s talk about “bitches”

Alexandre V. Andrade
2 min readJul 30, 2016

What the hell, these kind of people think they are? They hurt other people, they make the other’s life a hell, or try to. And it’s not cool, I mean when you watch a tv serie and you see “The Bitch” you think “Wow, she/he really said that? He/she is so mean” or “She/he deserve some terrible thing” or “I want to be like this one” (Seriously, I really thought it when I was younger, and like two days before yesterday), and if you think like the last thought you really, REALLY, need to think more ‘bout it. Why do you need it?

The world’s evolving to a dangerous thing, people did start to turn on the “F-word” and doing it they start hurting everyone, including themselves, and it will get ugly, ’cause people are not caring about the mess their lives will be doin’ it. With mess come sadness, and it ends in a lake of nothing. And with “nothing” I mean that you can’t feel the future in front of you, and it can drives a person crazy. People need to think about something to expect, if don’t, they probably lost themselves with self destructive thoughts. But there’s an excession…

… I’m talking ‘bout people who can’t see that they, by their own way, are amazing and ’cause of it they need to destroy another’s confidence, and it’s very unhappy. Some people on the tv serie’s suffer of it. But stupid people who watch it and don’t see the message think it’s cool and I’m fed up with that. Why am I writtting about that ?

Because I’m fed up with me. I’m addicted with this way of life. Every minute I’m trying to bite my tongue and act like a good person. I’m a good person, my friends and other people think it, and I must believe it. I must be useful for society and I am and I will always be. I promised that. My word, my dignity.

You can call me Jow, and I’m not so cool but I’m close to be…

