Go to Not Without Us!
Not Without Us!
“Not Without Us!” promotes the integration of gender justice in international climate politics and within the global climate justice movement by connecting and amplifying local struggles and resistance.
Note from the editor

“Not Without Us!” promotes the integration of gender justice in international climate politics and within the global climate justice movement by connecting and amplifying local struggles and resistance.

Go to the profile of Pat Bohland
Pat Bohland
Feminist climate activist, working at LIFE and Women and Gender Constituency based in Berlin. Believe in the power of combining activism and advocacy for equity
Go to the profile of GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
International network of organisations and activists working for #genderequality and #climatejustice. No climate justice without gender justice!
Go to the profile of Ellena Ekarahendy
Ellena Ekarahendy
Visual culture + political discourses. De omnibus dubitandum.
Go to the profile of Nanna Birk
Go to the profile of GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
International network of organisations and activists working for #genderequality and #climatejustice. No climate justice without gender justice!
Go to the profile of Ndivile