Submit your story!

GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
Not Without Us!
Published in
1 min readDec 23, 2020

This is a virtual storytelling platform for individuals and collectives engaged or connected to the advocacy network of the Women and Gender Constituency or any familiar advocacy network striving for gender and climate justice.

We warmly invite feminists, gender experts, queer and non-binary activists, Black, Indigenous and Womenx of Colour from all around the world to share their individual or collective story on climate and gender justice here. This can be a story of success and joy, it can be about portraying womxn leadership in local climate justice struggles, a story about losses or injustices or any other stories on local practices and climate change realities. This medium platform aims to host written stories just as much as audio pieces, videos, images, pictures or any other art work, in any language. Send your story to

We will edit your submission with you before publishing it.



GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
Not Without Us!

International network of organisations and activists working for #genderequality and #climatejustice. No climate justice without gender justice!