Photo by Ivan Gener

Call for Photos: Dynamic Aging

Suzanne Strong
Noun Project
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2021


Photos have the power to shape, reinforce, and change our perceptions. Join our global community of professional photographers and help us build a more inclusive world.

Positive representations help us form connections, enhance self-esteem, and send powerful messages about one’s value in society. Noun Project is working to make inclusive, art-quality images available for all through Noun Project Photos — a curated, mission-driven collection of images from photographers around the world.

Noun Project is looking for images that showcase inclusivity people over 50 living full, active and well-rounded lives, especially with multiethnic groups and BIPOC. More images of people over 50 living vibrant lives will help counter stereotypes about aging and to bring visibility to how people in this age group actually live.

Within Dynamic Aging, we would love to see images that celebrate diversity and intersectionality including:

  • People in the LGBTQ community
  • People with disabilities
  • Various body sizes
  • People with tattoos
  • People of various ages, racial backgrounds and perspectives interacting
Photo by Trinette Reed // Photo by Jacob Lund
Photo by David Sacks // Photo by Hinterhaus Productions

Call for Photos

We’re looking for images of older adults…

  • Wearing fashionable and stylish clothing, funky glasses, trendy tennis shoes and chic hair styles
  • Couples going on dates, having drinks or seeing a movie
  • LGBT+ people and families
  • Women working in the STEMM fields or in the tech industry
  • Friends and partners eating at trendy restaurants, attending cultural events or gallery openings
  • Pursuing education though university and extension classes
  • As teachers and educators
  • Running online meetings and panels
  • Working past the age of 65 as business owners, in the office or in the medical field
  • Taking dynamic, exciting trips such as going on safaris, eco-tours or volunteering in other countries
  • Women who wear a hijab spending time with friends at a coffee shop or cafe
  • Being active with children and grandchildren going to the park, the beach, hiking or assisting with distance learning
  • Supporting philanthropic organizations and volunteering in the community
  • Adopting rescue pets and working or volunteering with animals
  • Engaged in healthy physical activities such as running, doing yoga, and cycling
  • Engaged in the arts, playing music, painting and dancing
  • Playing video games or exploring VR
  • Playing instruments or performing on stage

…and any other ideas of what Dynamic Aging looks like to you.

Photo by MoMo Productions // Photo by Maskot
Photo by Jacob Lund // Photo by Klaus Vedfelt

How to submit

Please send jpeg files 10MP or higher for consideration via Dropbox or WeTransfer link to: with “Dynamic Aging” in the subject line.

Please follow the file prep instructions prior to submitting.

If your images are approved, we’ll contact you for detailed instructions for next steps.

Learn how we work with photographers here.

For questions regarding this brief or the submission process, please contact us at

Please read our full licensing and pricing agreement here.

Photo by Jacob Lund

Interested in joining our community of photographers and contributing to Noun Project? Submit your work here.



Suzanne Strong
Noun Project

Creative Director of Photos at the Noun Project // Photographer