Parents Can’t Control Everything, and That’s Okay.

There is significance in vulnerable moments.

Roderick Conwi
Nourishment Notes
2 min readJun 20, 2019


This past week, my two kids have been miserably sick. My two-year-old and three-month-old sons have been taking turns being snot machines with a roller coaster fever. Coughs are a common sound around the clock. Luckily, they’re both past the worst part now. When it was bad, it was really bad. Not only would they need a lot of physical attention, they both were frustrated and in turn cranky at their discomfort.

As their dad, it was really hard seeing them so miserable. It’s truly heartbreaking watching my two year old cry in his bed because he’s achy or watch my three month old scream and struggle in my arms, but no matter what I did what I had to do. I’m their dad.

My spouse and I put a lot of effort into having as healthy of a lifestyle for our family as possible, but it was inevitable. Our kids were going to (and still will) get sick; it’s part of life. They have to develop their immune systems somehow.

To me, this is preparation for the rest of parenthood. This is how I prepare myself to be comfortable with feeling vulnerable. I recognize that for the rest of my kids’ lives, I can’t protect them from everything that comes their way. I don’t have total control of what goes on in their lives. That would be impossible (and illogical). There are going to be times when my boys are hurt, miserable, or suffering. Much of that will be out of my control, and that’s okay.

My kids need to learn to be independent, responsible, and self-sufficient. I believe they’ll get there eventually. Right now, as they lay ill, I have to put faith and trust that they will be alright. I can’t control everything; I can only do the best that I can do. I can be as loving and as supporting as I can be.

This isn’t just a good mentality for when they’re sick, but for the rest of their lives.



Roderick Conwi
Nourishment Notes

Author, Writer, & Poet. Activiely exploring life and all its wonderful complexities.