The Importance of Being Proactive

You are the superstar of your life.

Roderick Conwi
Nourishment Notes
2 min readMar 28, 2022


Photo by Huy Phan

If you want something in life, you have to make it happen. It’s not going to happen all by itself. Sitting idly while watching TV or mindlessly scrolling through your phone isn’t going to help (even though there’s nothing wrong with doing that occasionally). You can’t live life passively. You deserve more than just letting life pass you by.

In life, you have to make things happen for yourself. You have to make the choice to make things happen and then do it. You have to decide to get up, put in the time, and do what you need to do. This applies to schoolwork, work for a job, or tasks around the house. If you want to graduate from school, whether it’s high school or college, you have to finish your assignments, projects, and classes to get to the finish line. If you want a job, you have to put in he time and effort to fill out and submit applications. If you want to enjoy a home cooked dinner, you need to be able to buy the ingredients and put in the work to cook it yourself.

Of course there are people in your life who help you. You may live with family who helps with the housework, you may have coworkers who help with the workload, or you may have classmates who help you with your assignments. You don’t have to do everything, but all the important decision making and follow through is up to you. You have to make it happen, and that’s okay because it’s your life.

Roderick Conwi writes about personal and professional development at Nourishment Notes. He is also the author of The Procrastinator’s Quick Guide To Getting It Done. To get powerful insights to enhance your day, join his FREE newsletter.



Roderick Conwi
Nourishment Notes

Author, Writer, & Poet. Activiely exploring life and all its wonderful complexities.