nouvelle MARQUE
L’agence nouvelle MARQUE
2 min readJan 7, 2014


We provide advice on the technological solutions most adapted to your communication, taking into account your organizational needs, and we then design smart, effective and easy to manage digital applications.

Our tradeMARK…

  • Advice for interactive communication and digital organization… Providing each project with sustainable efficiency.
  • Digital and social media engineering… Ensuring users’ rich and multifaceted experiences.
  • Technological change support… Developing your teams’ multitasking skills through incentive, logistical assistance and training.

You push the button… We do the rest!

George Eastman | Kodak | 1888

Our hallMARK…

Our high level of engineering at nouvelle MARQUE, our implementation capacity and ability to bring together innovative experiences from our clients’ varied business fields, set free our pragmatic creativity.

We thus have the basic skills to solve often complex problems, by creating original architectures suited to the cultural, technological and organizational environments of the businesses that trust us.

Creative connection

nouvelle MARQUE Team Motto

Source : Upsidedownit

nouvelle MARQUE Web Ecosystem



nouvelle MARQUE
L’agence nouvelle MARQUE

L'agence de communication digitale qui transforme les meilleures innovations du Web en solutions utiles aux entreprises.