What is Brand Design? And other ambitions of Nova Design

Asis Panda
Nova Design
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2022

At Nova design we do not have a visual design team or a creative team, we have a brand design team. No, this is not just a new naming convention to make visual design cool. Visual design is cool, but it’s time great visual designers got and brought more impact to a company’s mission.

Superman from Zack Snyder’s Justice League — A metaphor of Brand Designers at Nova

What is Brand Design?

As a brand designer, you own everything that results in “brand”. That is often all visual collaterals but never limited to it. For example, a video going into the onboarding screen of the product results in a brand impact so is a newsletter going out. You own both.

Through your work, you breathe life into a company (Nova Benefit’s) brand and are responsible for upholding it and pushing it forward across the board. That means being responsible for all graphic design work, even the small pieces like sales decks, etc, all the way to the visual design, audio design, motion, etc, of the website, product, and any and all touchpoints of the brand.

How is Brand Design different from Visual Design?

A visual comparison of Brand Design and Visual Design
Comparison of what differentiates brand designers and visual designers

Brand Designers at Nova Benefits

Our Purpose

Where we’re headed

We’re hiring for the Brand Design team

We’re looking for brand designers and our very own “Nick Wiesner”, a lead brand designer. Check out all the open brand design roles at https://Novabenefits.design

The Rippling Connection

We cannot hide, that we love the Rippling Brand Design team and borrow from their thought leadership. After all, Nick Wiesner is kind of a rockstar of a Brand Designer and his career is a testament to the kind of value and impact brand designers can bring. Nick is currently the VP of Brand at Rippling. Read more about Rippling’s brand design team here.

Fun illustrations from the Brand Design Team’s Mar 2021 Deck

