Getting Started: How to Buy Your First Bitcoin In 2020?

NovaDAX Global
NovaDAX Global
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2020

Now everyone is talking about Bitcoin, and the halving of BTC in May 2020 is considered a good opportunity. This article will show you how to complete your first Bitcoin purchase in 2020.

Do I need to buy an entire bitcoin?

The price of a single BTC has exceeded $ 10,000. Is it a bit expensive for you?

But don’t worry, you don’t have to buy an entire Bitcoin like you are purchasing an apple or an orange. BTC is more like a watermelon. You can buy a small part of it and enjoy all of its sweetness.

Take NovaDAX as an example, your minimum purchase amount is 0.001 BTC, as about $ 10. That is to say, you can place an order for at least $ 10 of BTC.

On the tradingrules page, you can find all of the trading pairs’ minimum transaction amount and order sizes.

How to buy Bitcoin?

To buy Bitcoin, you need to trade on a digital asset exchange.

Before you can obtain transaction permissions, you need to complete a simple registration and provide proof of identity. The purpose is to avoid disrupting the market with fake accounts. The exchange needs to make sure that each account is operated by a real person.

After completing the registration and verification, you can coin-in cryptos like USDT or ETH to buy Bitcoin .

You can place an order at the market price or a price you think is appropriate on the purchase page.

You can check the bitcoins you bought in your account.

How to make money with Bitcoin?

No matter whether you bought 0.001 BTC or 1 whole BTC, as long as the price rises, you can sell your BTC for profit.

For example, if you own BTC with a value of 1,000 USDT, when the BTC price increases by 5%, you can get a profit of 50 USDT if you sell all of them.

When you think the price is appropriate for you, go to the trading page again and select “sell”.

The asset obtained from the sale will appear on your account page. You can choose to coin out to your private wallet, or you can choose to wait for the next entry.

As you see, BTC is not far away from you, and buying BTC is also very easy.

Each of us can participate in the above transactions and benefit from the price fluctuations.

This is exactly the core concept of blockchain and Bitcoin: decentralization and everyone can be involved.

