Nova Finance Devnet is now live!

Team Nova
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2022

It’s time to begin giving an early preview of what we have been working on for the last few months to our community! We thank all of our early adopters who have supported us during these early stages and also share with you the first opportunity to earn Nova Token!

Below are some key details about the Devnet release and access instructions.

Devnet Whitelist

Throughout December, the Nova community were able to apply within discord for Devnet access. In order to be successful, they had to answer a series of questions based on the Nova Finance whitepaper.

We had thousands of applications for the process and we are truly thankful for the level of interest and support for the Nova Finance project!

Selection Process

Nova early adopter NFT holders were able to apply with a simple application form, we had nearly 1300 of you apply and be approved for Devnet!

In order for public applicants to be accepted onto the whitelist, they had to answer at least 2 of the 3 questions within their application process correctly. A select few of public applicants were able to answer 3 out of 3 questions correctly, we applaud your dedication and early knowledge of Nova! In total around 800 were accepted.

All in all, we had over 2000 successful applicants! You can check to see if you made the list by searching your address here: Devnet Whitelist

Access to the Devnet application

Come and try it out here!

Due to the sheer amount of applicants, we have to make sure that the platform can scale and deal with the loads. Every day 100 accounts will be randomly whitelisted so make sure to come and check daily!

Make sure that you configure your wallet to the Solana Devnet network. Generally this can be found in your wallets settings under a heading like “change network” > “Devnet”.


Exclusively within the Nova platform, there are 2 ways to earn Nova token through providing feedback. Once your account is whitelisted you will be able to see what the rewards are and how you can earn them!

Distribution will happen at the end of the closed Devnet period in around 2 weeks time

I can’t access devnet, what’s the problem?

You might have not reached enough correct answers on the application quiz, unfortunately you will not be able to participate in the closed Devnet.

If you are on the spreadsheet, you might not have been added to the whitelist yet, make sure to check every day to see if you have been added!

You also need to use the same wallet and account that you applied with to connect to the application and be accepted in.

Any of these situations might result in the wallet connection page not responding or presenting you with an error message.


Feedback is very welcome at this stage, both positive and negative. It’s important that we can build a platform that the community wants to use and find valuable.

Make sure to use the #bugs-found, #request-assistance or #feature-request channels in our discord!

Within the platform, we are monitoring closely to detect bugs within the application and if you encounter an error, a report button should appear for you to send us some data so we can begin fixing the error.

About Nova Finance

Nova is a programmable asset framework that allows people to access DeFi without having to learn complex financial management skills. Within the product, users can create a portfolio of assets which auto-generate returns through yield strategies while auto-executing on investment strategies such as dollar cost averaging, take profit calls and much more.

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Safe. Transparent. On-chain Investment Algorithms.