IoT Confidentiality vs Integrity

Adam Perschke
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2018

According to Forbes, the global Internet of Things (IoT) market is projected to grow from 2014’s $2.99 trillion to $8.9 trillion by 2020 for a 19.92% compound annual growth rate.

With so many IoT vendors moving at such a rapid pace to offer organizations the opportunity to build IoT applications and connect devices to them quickly, security has become an afterthought.

And even when the need for cybersecurity becomes clear, organizations aren’t quite sure where to start. Although IT experts understand that the weakest link in the chain is the device, there appears to be some confusion among enterprise decision makers as to which is more important, integrity or confidentiality.

Although confidentiality — or denying unauthorized parties’ access to data and information is essential, making certain that an organizations’ data has not been altered, is genuine and has integrity in the first place is paramount to cybersecurity.

A great example of integrity being compromised would be an IoT devices default username and password that a cybercriminal has attacked and altered firmware for the sake of taking the device over for financial gain.

Like any other customer, they would then use their confidential password, etc., log in and buy anything sold on that site, except at the prices they’ve plugged in — and often without the hosts’ knowledge.

NOVAM’s Health Checks enable users, devices, and applications to verify that software packages and hardware components are uncompromised and unmodified by malware or other cyber threats, across the entire boot chain on a device.



Adam Perschke
Editor for

CEO, Founder — NOVAM. Moving Target Defense — Protect Your Future.