To Nuhu: Being different, singing out of sync among a world of singers
This write up is dedicated to a short film my brother Nuhash directed, the script was beautifully crafted by him and my mom, all in a lyrical form, and the entire making was treat to my eyes, beautiful scenes — almost like poetry for the eyes. The dialogues, messages and thoughts kept coming back to me in many ways so thought of putting them down somewhere…
Its about a little girl who is born a village full of creativity while she has none. She is the odd one out there. Although the story is linked to greed and many other complex topics, my mind kept revolving around the misfit girl. Isn’t it the story of us all? Didn’t we all feel misfit for fraction of time at least and tried hard to hide it, just to blend in? I can see myself there … being not smart enough, fast enough, careful enough … always wrong about many things … and constantly rewiring myself to gain back the confidence (is it really there?). Or my little brother who struggled just to try out things in his own ways … yes, in non-traditional ways. The creative career path is not a straight-forward one and we don’t hold on till one has achieved something. In that way, we all are guilty in making the paths harder than it could be.
I remember being called to school meetings when my younger daughter just started school in Bangladesh, coming back from USA. The teacher was certainly not happy holding a paper in her hand. She was serious, mentioning she has never seen anything like this in her 20 years of teaching. My daughter was audacious enough not to draw a traditional humpty dumpty in the egg the teacher gave her, she drew a beautiful lady with eye lashes, high-heels who is definitely not humpty dumpty, I could see that. Yes, over the course of many years, my daughter turned out to be just like many others, but I do not know whether she has lost the out of box thinking capabilities.
Little brother, I could not be there for you, but I promise, I will try my best to stand by the misfits I meet in my classes and around. I will try to be kinder, more open. Because trying to sing out of sync makes you heard in the perfectly synced world and we need it, specially, in difficult times when being heard is not easily. love u.