✅💰 8 skills that’ll land you a high paying job

Planning on gaining a new skill that lands you a top job? Look no further 👇

Pavithran K
Nova Semita
6 min readJul 4, 2019


Every student knows that what they’re learning in college is not at all sufficient to land a top job offer in today’s ever-changing world of tech and business. You have to keep yourself constantly updated with what the industry’s demands are. And that means understanding how the market currently is behaving, how it will change in the near future, and what skills will be relevant over that long period from an employer’s perspective. All this is even before you start planning on how to actually gain those skills. Ugh!

Answer: It doesn’t!

We at Nova Semita help college students find jobs, and know how painful it can be to do this on your own. Hence, we’ve taken pains to talk to industry experts and compiled what we think is a good starting point for students to analyse and see what employers today are demanding and what will be a good fit for them as a rewarding career.

Photo by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash

Here are some roles that are trending as of 2019, that college students ought to take seriously because of the intellectual stimulation and financial rewards they come with :

Full Stack developer 📲

We live in an era wherein all software lives in the form of web-apps hosted on the cloud. It’s no surprise Web Developers who can build both the user facing side of these apps as well deal with the server side logic and databases are known as Full Stack Developers. They’re familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and one or more frameworks such as ReactJS or NodeJS. An all round knowledge, willingness to stay updated with the latest frameworks and ability to think of multiple solutions to the same problem make them stand out. The ability for developers to work in a team so as to understand each other’s work is precious, and the industry is welcoming towards freshers.

UI/UX Designer 🖼

Ever realised how some websites and mobile apps are easier to find your way through? Ever felt frustrated that some information that you and many others needed is somehow placed in a non-intuitive place on the website? You have then realized why a UI developer is paid as much as they are (which is a lot for a good one). In information technology, the user interface (UI) is everything designed into an information device with which a person may interact. User experience (UX) design is the process of creating products that provide meaningful experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function. And making the experience easy and intuitive for the user is a skill that takes hard work and talent to possess. Which is why in this age of website and app based businesses you cannot go wrong training yourself to make this the technical skill you master.

User Interface design can be fun!

Cyber-security engineer 🔐

The advancement of technology and internet is at full throttle, and so is the rise of cyber-attacks and hacks. Security engineers are professionals who protect computer and networking systems from these attacks and help keep the system one step ahead of people with malevolent intent. Security gaps in technology have become more intricate and information is becoming more and more difficult to keep locked behind closed folders. A cybersecurity engineer needs to be sharp and know the ins and outs of a network at the back of his hand. Certainly a worthy pursuit as this is a high paying job, with plenty of opportunities out there.

Machine Learning 🕵🏼‍♂️

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience with minimal manual input. Instructions don’t need to be explicitly programmed, but are rather developed as a series of trial and error experiments. ML focuses on the development of computer programs that can utilize datasets and learn for themselves on how to solve a certain problem or optimize a certain process — prediction is key. As of late, machine learning has turned into a buzzword that catches the fancy of every smart undergraduate. However, the job scenario doesn’t do justice to the hype.

Terminator was using ML all along!

Business Intelligence & Analytics 💹

Business Intelligence uses past and current data whereas Business Analytics uses past data to extract insights and run the business operations that drive the customer needs and increase productivity. Know that people tend to confuse these roles with machine learning, when the case is that not every analyst makes use of it. For this role, a strong sense of the business fundamentals, data visualisation and ability to leverage existing software tools is more important than knowledge of mathematics and algorithms. It is comparatively easy to break into these fields as compared to machine learning or deep learning.

Digital Marketing 📳

Digital platforms, especially social media platforms offer a variety of ways to put a business or a company in the limelight through ad campaigns, boosted posts, sponsorship and promotions. Harnessing and utilizing these powerful tools to propel a company in an upwards trajectory is no mean feat, yet is something every singe company needs in this digital age. This is where Digital Marketing comes in. A field that’s only going to increase in value going forward.

Product Management 💡

Product managers are responsible for hitting goals around a given product or set of features in it. They define the strategies, and operate with the tech team to build and deliver on the goals. This role is perfect for generalists, since product managers ought to have a good sense of user’s pain points, the ability to look into the experience design and analyse data to see if the strategies are working. Having prior experience in tech (especially web development) is a big plus as it helps the product manager to be more realistic in their demands. Though freshers are not the first choice for this role, many with tech and managerial experience break in and command salaries that are enviable.

Data scientist 📊

Solving a certain problem is a secondary step, the identification of problem areas and places where optimization is required to raise efficiency is the primary, and the more difficult one. Data scientists are analytical data experts who have the technical skills to identify key areas for optimization and suggest improvements and while also solving problems. This is why they’re in prime demand right now with companies wanting sharp people who suit this role and keeping them on high salary as replacing them is a very stressful process. This field is inaccessible to most freshers. However, plenty of jobs as well as good salaries make this a lucrative field to get into post your MS or PhD.

Okay, what next?

The right attitude to have.

Now that we’ve gotten on terms with what skills are relevant in today’s tech world, how do you actually go about gaining these skills?

Exploration is the name of the game. Explore and find out which field interests you, draws you and suits you. Keep working and doing projects in that field while also gaining the minimum knowledge required in other associated topics so that you’re not clueless in a team environment. Use online resources to their full extent. Ask people who’ve worked on a similar field about what to work on and how to work on it. They’ll be more than happy to help you out.

Looking for someone to assist you in this process?

We’re here to help.

We empower students to gain the technical skills that they want to learn and are relevant in today’s market and help them connect with some of the best startups around for placements. And all this without charging you before you start earning, because we know what a burden money can be on a student. So if you think you’re interested, drop in an application below 👇🏽

Happy learning!

