NovaX Analytics, Recap, Announcements

4 min readJan 22, 2022


In this article, we will share many analytics data with you. But before we start we will like to mention once again the details about the community manager role for NovaX.

Community Manager Recruitment

We are looking for a team member as “Community Manager”.

The community manager will be responsible for managing the official Discord community, Telegram channel, and Twitter account. He/she will also be responsible for recruiting moderators/admins for our social media channels. We are expecting him/her to develop and execute long-term and short-term community strategies to grow the community. Experience in community management for other DeFi projects is a must. Please apply to if you think you clarify for this job.

If you know anyone suitable for this position please redirect him/her to us. This is one of the top priority steps for our project right now.

SDK development process

As you know we are currently mainly working on the NovaX Javascript SDK. It is an SDK that is compatible with all browsers. Once we publish the SDK, anybody who wants to develop a new UI/UX for the NovaX game or to develop a desktop/mobile app, or any other software; he/she will be able to develop it by using the SDK without the need to think about the blockchain/smart contract part. SDK will handle all the communication with the app and the NovaX smart contracts. So anybody will be able to develop a client without thinking about the backend. We are planning to deliver it towards to end of 2022 Q2.


There are 1217 Planet holders right now.

There have been 1507 unique planet holders in the past; which means that there are 290 players that owned a planet before but don't have any planets right now. It also means that 80% of the users that experienced NovaX is still holding at least 1 NovaX planet.

Number of players that holds more than
100+ planets: 10
50–100 planets: 16
10–50 planets: 126
5–10 planets: 176
1–5 planets: 380
only 1 planet: 509

Player Activities

As you know there are 8888 NovaX planets. 4144 of those planets (46%) (have never been upgraded. They are still in the exact same structure level (Solar planet level 1, metal mine level 1).

448 unique players (29% of the players) did complete at least 1 mission.
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87 unique players (5% of the players)
did complete at least 1 boss fight.
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31 unique players (2% of the players)
did complete at least 1 PvP battle.

This also means that over 70% of the users never even tried a single PvE or PvP content on NovaX. Not that they tried once and didn’t like it, no they didn’t try it at all, not even once.

Are these players (70%) zombie players that bought/mint a planet and never look into the website?

Not at all…

Number of players that own a NovaX planet and visited the website in the last 30 days is 734.

612 of them reacted with a NovaX smart contract. What did they do? They
- level up buildings
- harvest resource tokens
- sell them on DEXs

So it seems they over 90% of our active users are only interested in harvesting tokens and selling them, and they are not interested in trying or playing the PvE or PvP features of our product.

We have always been tracking all of these and more analytics data, player activities, DEX trades, etc. We were trying to create more use cases & features for our game and game assets to increase the player activities. Today we wanted to share all this information publicly with our community, and we would love to hear your improvement ideas on any part of our project (game features, tokenomics, marketing, visuals, roadmap, or any other thing) that you think we should improve or change.

Suggestion & Bug Report forms

We prepared two new forms for our players. All the submitted data to these forms will be imported to our Jira ( issue tracking platform) backlog automatically. We will clarify and evaluate all your suggestions on the Grooming meetings of the scrum team on monthly basis.

We like to mention some details before you submit your ideas. Please submit your data with your solid solution ideas. For example, if you fill the form like “Game needs to be more attractive”, “you need to create more use cases for holding the solar energy token”, “PvP should be more fun”, these inputs will not help a lot. Yes, these are valid feedbacks but we are asking for you to tell the exact change you think we should do to solve your problem.

An example of a valid/solid improvement idea: “You need to make PvP more attractive. How? I think you need to develop a leaderboard for the PvP system, sort players by the number of battles won, give an AVAX reward to the top 10 players on the leaderboard on monthly basis. Reset the board every month”

Suggestion Form:

Bug Report Form:

Social media channels

Currently, the average number of daily active users on our Telegram group is below 10 (half of them are scammers or marketing employees). We will be turning our Telegram group into an official announcement channel. We will keep the discord channel active for players/community to chat/discuss with each other. This decision could be (probably will) changed in the future when our community manager recruitment process is completed.

If you want to reach us from telegram you can always send dm to @novaxgame or @bobtechnovax from telegram.

As we mentioned above our google forms will be active for suggestions and bug reports.

For any collaboration request, you can send an email to

