NovaX Roadmap

3 min readNov 28, 2021


In this article, we will be disclosing our roadmap for the next year.

2021 Q4

  • NovaX Planet minting ✅
  • Introduce constructing buildings on planets and level up them.✅
  • Resource tokens: generate, harvest & use. ✅
  • DEX partnership for resource tokens. ✅
  • Introduce PvE features: Missions & Boss fights ✅
  • Generating troop item NFTs, use them on PvE content ✅
  • Introduce loot mechanism: Loot drops from missions & boss fights ✅
  • Introduce researches: Players able to use loots to unlock new features on NovaX ✅
  • Launch PvP features. ✅

2022 Q1-Q2

Technical Refactor & Redesign
After the release of PvP, we will be focusing on our technical backlog.

1) One of our goals is to turn every interaction between our web client and smart contracts into an SDK/framework. Once we do it, we will be able to improve or re-develop our web client (UI/UX) without conflicting with the business/gaming logic of our product. So basically we will be having two separate products “web client” and “NovaX SDK”. We will be deploying these projects on our GitHub. This will also make it possible for anyone to develop an alternative UI/UX to Novax by using the SDK we provide.

2) We will be working on reducing the gas fees of our game. We have several approaches there. First, there are some optimizations we can do on our smart contracts which will reduce the gas fees. But to be able to perform a big difference we can do 2 things. One of them is to move NovaX to a subnet. But there are some challenges on that, we believe it will make it harder for players to move the resources to mainnet and trade them on DEXs. Currently, players have complete ownership of every asset in the game. NFTs, resource tokens, etc. And players can easily trade them on marketplaces or DEXs. Once we move to a subnet, players will need to move these assets from a bridge to mainnet to be able to trade them. So subnets are one solution. Another solution is to move some of the logic into off-chain and turn those actions into metamask sign operations, not transactions. For example, to be able to level up a building, players will only need to sign it with their metamask without paying any gas fees. We are closer to the second solution, but again we are also considering the subnet alternative. We will be implementing one of them.

2022 Q3-Q4

  • UI/UX improvements & redesign.
    Once we resolve our technical needs for the new UI, we will immediately start working on it.
  • New game content: New missions, boss fights, troop items, researches, and more.
    We will be introducing new content to current features to make these features richer in terms of content. We will also introduce new gaming features (both PvE and PvP) which doesn’t exist in the current game.
  • The Moon Event: We are planning to release the moons within late 2022. We will be disclosing and discussing the details with our community in the upcoming months.


Thanks all for reading, we are very excited for 2022. We will continue to develop and improve NovaX as much as we can. We will always keep you updated with every development we do, as we did in 2021 Q4 with weekly recaps.

Please send your feedback and comments to our Discord suggestion channels.

