1 min readMay 15, 2022


We are happy to announce that we had successfully published NovaX SDK.

NovaX SDK is a JavaScript SDK. Developers are able to develop a new UI by using this SDK without handling anything about the blockchain itself. SDK handles all the communication between the Avalanche c-chain and the client.
Developers are be able to simply call a JavaScript function to retrieve the data they seek, or to perform an action in the NovaX game.

We developed a simple web page that retrieves data from the Avalanche blockchain for NovaX game.

You can check the sample page and try NovaX SDK yourself. Since some of the functions are user-specific (for example load planets of the user), you should connect your wallet via MetaMask for those functions.

You can reach the JS source code on our GitHub page:

You can always check the source code of . Our web UI uses the NovaX SDK in production too.

Feel free to reach us via for any questions or bug reports.

Thanks All

