Wrapping up the Week

4 min readSep 12, 2021


We are very thankful and humbled by your interest in NovaX.

It’s been 5 days since we launched, and there are already

6.792 Planets Minted. This the 76% of our maximum planet cap, and it increases as we speak.

What makes us even happier is that players are already competing with each other by developing their planets.

21.977 buildings upgraded. This is a number that is beyond our expectations, we are very excited about watching players upgrading their planets and preparing for our next big update.

We have 964 planet owners.

The total supply for our resource tokens are:
407,834 Solar Energy
859,043 Metal
129,045 Crystal

We are happy to see that our burning mechanisms work as planned, with the upcoming events these tokens will be even more scarce assets.

What’s next?

Here are some small features that will arrive within 2 weeks:

Single-page Control Center

We are developing a single-page control center for managing all your planets in one place. By using this page, you will be able to level up/construct buildings across all your planets with a single transaction. Similar to our harvest all button. We are planning to deploy this feature next week. We know that are a large number of planet owners among the players, we listened to your feedback and believe that this will be a nice solution for your needs.

Planet Leaderboard

We are developing a leaderboard that lists all the planets sorted by the building levels. At the top of this leaderboard, you will be able to see the planet that has the highest leveled buildings on it. Currently, this leaderboard will show solar plant, metal mine, and crystal lab building levels, but in the future, as other buildings are introduced into the game, we will be updating the leaderboard too.

As we announced, we will be releasing our next big update on October 17. Although we will cover the details about this update with a much more detailed article in the upcoming weeks, here are some brief info about it.

Missions & Boss Fights

We will be introducing Missions and Boss Fights. When the update is launched, you will be able to construct an “Intelligence agency” on your planet. This building will give your planet access to participate in missions and boss fights. These are both time-gated contents per planet. Every planet can attend 1 mission per day, and 1 boss fight per week.

In order to attend a mission, you will need a soldier and a spaceship. For these ones, you need to construct a factory(for spaceships) and an academy (for soldiers). Although you will be able to create normal soldiers and spaceships, some missions will need a high-profile soldier or spaceship for you to send. To be able to create special spaceships or super-powered soldiers, you will need to have some rare technologies. You will be able to perform these researches on the “research center”. The research center is also a new building that will be introduced in our next update. But in order to perform research, you will need a receipt for it. These receipts drop from missions and boss fights. Some of them will be extremely rare.

These receipts will be NFTs as you probably guessed. So players could complete missions and boss fights, and earn loot from it. They will have the option to use it in the game to unlock research, construct a special spaceship, a super-soldier OR they can decide not to use it but sell it on an NFT marketplace to another player. Since some of the loots will be extremely rare, we believe that they will be very valuable for NovaX players.

Gas fees

We are working on tools to reduce the transaction count (like harvest all, single-page control center, etc) for optimizing the gas costs.

Our first priority is to introduce the gaming features, although we already have some features like “level-up a building” from the first day, we want to introduce many PvE and PvP contents as soon as we can.

We are getting many questions about which planets are rare, is there a rarity table for them, etc. Although we disclosed this in our previous articles, we want to disclose it again.

NovaX is not an NFT collection project. We are a play-to-earn gaming project, that uses NFTs in the heart of its ecosystem. Since this is a gaming project we decide to mint all planets with the same functionality. All of them start with a level 1 solar plant and metal mine. As you play the game, upgrade your buildings, complete missions & boss fights, your planet will become more valuable. Your efforts will your planets more valuable.

So is there any rare thing on NovaX?

Not planets, but yes, there will be many rare things on NovaX. There will be some type of special soldiers or spaceships that; maybe only a few people will be able to have. We will be introducing many rare things within the game, but we are introducing them in a way that every player will have a chance to earn it by playing the game.


We are very grateful for all your interest and support on our first week. Stay tuned for the upcoming events.

You can still mint a NovaX planet for yourself, just hit the link below to join our space adventure.


