Dear Julie: Pushing through.

How do I keep writing when it’s hard?

Julie Cohen
Novel Gazing


Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

Dear Julie,

Sometimes when I’m writing it’s so easy and fun and fluid. Other times, every sentence written feels like having a tooth pulled. How can I get through those difficult times when writing feels unnatural and chore-like? Especially when I’m working to a deadline and don’t have the option to step away for too long!


Dear RM,

OH, ME TOO. Isn’t it awful? Here is a list of fourteen things that might help you. Your mileage may vary.

1) Chocolate.

2) Booze and/or caffeine and/or petting a friendly animal.

3) The Pomodoro technique: set a timer for a short-ish amount of time — say ten or fifteen minutes. Promise yourself that you will write for that entire time, and then afterwards, you will give yourself a five-minute break, also timed. Then start again. The marvel that is Kate Harrison taught me this technique and it really works.

4) Know that this pain is completely, utterly, normal — and indeed, desirable. If writing is easy all the time, you’re doing it wrong.

5) Swear. Profusely.

6) Go for a walk, or take a bath or a shower. Something about movement or running water…



Julie Cohen
Novel Gazing

I’m a Sunday Times bestselling novelist and creative writing consultant. My latest novel is SPIRITED. Twitter: @julie_cohen