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Break Time
Created for office breaks and moments of relaxation. Come explore the art of taking it easy and make every moment a little more interesting!
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Join Break Time: We’re Looking for You!
Join Break Time: We’re Looking for You!
Are you someone who loves to uncover quirky, fascinating stories and share them with the world?
Deo Wetton
Nov 13
Don’t Erase a Scientist’s Blackboard Without Permission
Don’t Erase a Scientist’s Blackboard Without Permission
If blackboards were to vanish overnight, the group most devastated would likely be mathematicians and physicists.
Deo Wetton
Nov 17
How Much Did Newton Lose in the Stock Crash 300 Years Ago?
How Much Did Newton Lose in the Stock Crash 300 Years Ago?
“I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” — Isaac Newton, reflecting on the 1720 South Sea…
Deo Wetton
Dec 1
How to Buy LAND in The Sandbox
How to Buy LAND in The Sandbox
The Sandbox is a blockchain-based virtual world where users can create, own, and monetize unique experiences.
Nov 27
Cryptocurrency vs. Cash
Cryptocurrency vs. Cash
Cryptocurrency is a term that describes alternative forms of digital money, but the term also includes thousands of tokens of uncertain…
Nov 20
What Caused the Last Mammoth Populations to Disappear from Earth?
What Caused the Last Mammoth Populations to Disappear from Earth?
As a species that went extinct “just” 4,000 years ago, how did mammoths vanish from the Earth?
Deo Wetton
Nov 18
Global IPv4 Depletion: Charges Begin Next Month.
Global IPv4 Depletion: Charges Begin Next Month.
IPv6 is a “disaster,” and although we may address the difficulties in the future, our current preparation is still insufficient.
Kevin J
Nov 18
How To Gift Cryptocurrency to Your Family and Friends?
How To Gift Cryptocurrency to Your Family and Friends?
Cryptocurrencies are constantly in the financial news. This situation shapes economic discussions. In this way, a new trend begins to show…
Nov 15
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