3 Songs Worth Hearing Again and Again

Can significantly improve your life!

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe
5 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by Tallie Robinson on Unsplash

Songs have the power to manipulate your perceptions about life and exactly for that reason you need to be aware of the song you listen to. You need to know that certain lyrics when combined with beats can easily enter your head, and can change how you see the world and what you prioritize for you. That’s why the kinder Garden’s kid’s syllabus contains rhyming poems and they are taught this way. As music can easily reach your brain, they are backed with lyrics so that they can secure a place in your psyche. That is the reason you started to like certain brands because a lot of popular songs contain the brand’s name in their lyrics and you once enjoyed that song.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Also, have you ever thought about why you want to drink at parties and why your mood switches to parties more often? It's because you’ve recently heard some songs on the same. You need to be aware of the lyrics of the song you listen to more often because they can alter your personality and moods.

Now, what are those songs which I consider worth listing on repeat, these are songs that I had picked and find meaningful which may create a healthy change in your heart.

Here are some of the most beautiful and meaningful songs you can hear and enjoy.

  1. Locked Away — R City: In this song, the artist discussed the most vulnerable events of one’s life and whether their partner stays with them or not. In its video, there are three short stories about a girl who is accused of drug dealing, an army person who is about to leave his home for war, and a man who is broke and about to commit an offense. These are some of the most sensitive moments of one’s life. These stories are purposely made to make you realize that in love sometimes you have to let them go, as the army person’s wife did, just stay with them supporting as that accused girl’s father did, and stop your partner from taking a wrong decision. It discussed three different aspects of relationships, different situations demand different versions of you. Sometimes supporting your partner means letting them go, sometimes it's stopping them and sometimes you just have to stay there with them. A line from the song which stays with me: “If I showed you my flaws, If I couldn’t be strong, Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?”
Image Source: Thumbnail of lyrical video (DopeLyrics-Youtube)
  1. When You’re Gone — Avril Lavigne: This was the first song I heard from Avril Lavigne and it instantly made me her fan. I was about to cry when I first watched its video. In its video, the artist attempted to make us aware that the relationships we have right now aren’t going to stay with us forever and the fact is that you’ll never know which meeting was your last one. The purpose of that song must be to make its listeners grateful for the relationship they have, to appreciate their presence in their life, and to make them know the fact that these moments will soon be going to become a memory. A most significant line of the song: “When you walk away, I count the steps that you take, Do you see how much I need you right now?”
Image source: Pintrest.com (By Ariana Jones)
  1. How to Love — by Lil Wyne: This is a song that has a deep meaning, it shows you two perspectives and stories of the same person who is gone through a traumatic childhood. It shows you how bad parenting can ruin someone’s life. The theme of the song starts with a scene where two couples are fighting and their child is getting afraid of that yelling sound, it made a deep wound in their child’s psyche, and that made her choose wrong decisions in her life. This song attempted to make parents realize that their behavior and house environment hugely influence their child’s personality and how they choose the wrong path out of that trauma. A line that deserves your attention: “You had a lot of dreams that transform to visions, The fact that you saw the world affected all your decisions, But it wasn’t your fault, wasn’t in your intentions.”
Image source: Lil Wyne Hq (www.lilwynehq.com)

These are some of those songs which had the potential to make you a better person. These songs contain meaningful lyrics and the music and beats of these songs are unbeatable. It totally deserves your time and it’s better for you to listen to it while watching its video.

“Music is the strongest form of magic.” — Marilyn Manson

Thanks for reading!

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe

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