How Certain Musics are Destroying Your Life

You need to check the song you are listening

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe
2 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Sanju Pandita on Unsplash

Music has played a significant role in human development since the beginning of civilizations. It has been used for a variety of purposes, including entertainment, communication, and religious rituals.

However, what kind of music we listen to is as important as what type of food we consume. Our foodstuffs and mind stuff work in a similar way, if it’s nurturing and healthy, it'll impact positively in our mind and will benefit in our being. Certain kinds of music are bound to make us excited in a negative sense and increase our rage especially when music is crafted with vulgar and provoking lyrics songs promote anger, greed, and jealous emotions. Bad kind of music will make you restless and insecure and some songs that carry provoking lyrics can even damage your psyche.

They result in a spike of Desires and increase the fickleness of our personality, they bombard our minds with stuff that isn't healthy for us. There exists certain music that increases the harmony in our lives like music that involves positive emotions like Love, care, and empathy. Some music is the source of wisdom that our sages and saints use to sing.

How to identify the right kind of music and the wrong one?

If a song makes you excited and drained too frequently and you feel too heavy after listening to it, it’s probably the kind of music you should avoid. While the good kind of music will stay in your life harmoniously with you for a longer time. Peaceful music will not excite you but will make your mind calmer and focused, while the former will keep your mind in a state of fickleness, and you’ll find it very difficult to focus on anything after listening to it.

You have to be extra careful while making your playlist because the songs you are going to listen to will influence you.

Thanks for reading!

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe

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