Leading cause of misery!

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2023

You are unhappy because you constantly try to become happy and keep comparing yourself with your peers!

These days we are miserable even if we are experiencing the most lavish lifestyle which few years back, only rich and kings were able to afford. There is an estimation that if you earn your daily bread, can afford to have a holiday and are normal in terms of health, you are living a fine life one can possibly live. Then those sufferings you are at now is due to your own unrealistic expectation from yourself. That dissatisfaction is created by yourself and you have all the freedom to leave it.

Photo by arash payam on Unsplash

One more reason which can contribute in your misery is the fact that you are over consuming your luxuries. If pizza is your favorite dish, and you start to have it on daily basis, you are soon going to hate it, same thing applies to other aspects of life.

Constantly consuming entertainment, delicious foods, hanging out with friends and being in passionate relationships had become a new normal lifestyle for most of us. This way of living life occupied all of our time and energy, which we may have reserved for something special.

To improve it you need to detox your life; popularly known as “dopamine detox”, in such process we keep distance from all pleasurable activities and things for a while.

Just for a week, stay away from mouth-watering food and eat raw healthy stuff, instead of watching your phone constantly, try hanging out with your friend at a park and do stuffs which are quite different from the mainstream entertainment.

If you prefer something like playing a team sports, you will get health benefits, detox your life and improve your social life too; try it out! After following these tips, you’ll notice significant changes in your lifestyle’s quality.

Thanks for reading!



Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe

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