Do You Really Need To Be a Bad Boy To Improve Your Dating Life?

A deep insight

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe
5 min readAug 13, 2023


Photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash

Being a nice guy for my whole teenage, I’ve always wondered what actually are those traits that attract girls. We’ve been taught by our parents, society, and mentors to be nice to girls, respect them and if possible try to help them. These are some of the most noble qualities which a man can have. But does that means girls will be mad at you just because you respect them and are helpful to them?

This question doesn’t have a white or black answer, the real clue lies on the grayer side. Girls do appreciate you being nice to them and the help and support you provide to them, but if you are only doing this to get into their personal life or having some shady intentions, then you’ll be equally hated by them. That’s where nice guys complain. Superficially, they help their female friends and respect them, but their intention is just to grab an opportunity of hitting on her the moment they get the chance.

Most of the nice guys start wanting their target girl to be their girlfriend, either to get laid or to use her like a trophy to show to their friends. And girls actually know this very well, that’s why they hate nice guys.

Here bad boys win the game, they are clear about their intentions and don’t engage in subtle trades or have shady intentions. They are what they are, and they aren’t afraid to accept they’re true selves. There are many reasons why girls are attracted towards bad boys but the most important one is their transparency and honesty. Their intentions are very clear from the beginning about what they want from a girl. As they are honest, they aren’t required to wear the mask and keep hiding their true self, as a response girl easily get attracted to them.

Does being a bad boy beneficial to make you win the dating game?

Absolutely not!

It’ll help you initially to increase your female interaction but later on you’ll face many problems. You’ll be perceived as a jerk and eventually find yourself being disrespected too often by your partners. As a bad boy when you get, broke up with your partner; you’ll find that finding another partner had become quite a difficult job for you because, in the long run, bad boys face social rejection.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In a survey, it is found that girls initially are very much attracted to bad boys and they enjoy their company at the beginning but later on they end up being heartbroken and traumatized. They get emotionally damaged by being with a jerk, then they use nice guys as tools to make them get relief from their trauma and resentfulness, and as a result, nice guys end up becoming bad boys. And these cycles keep going on.

What to do then?

Be a good guy!

Being a good guy, you aren’t too dumb as a nice guy and aren’t too rude and tough as a bad boy. A good guy is brave, confident, honest, and respects the girls around them. They have a sense of humor and know how to flirt with a girl respectfully to make them feel excited and respected at the same time. They are clear about their intentions but aren’t afraid to accept or confess that to their girl. They make it clear what actually they want from a relationship and if they got rejected they aren’t afraid to deal with it.

Being a good guy initially doesn’t attract too much attention from girls, but in the long run, girls do realize that this is the man who holds a good personality and values high masculine traits. The real fun of dating and having a healthy friendship with girls are actually experienced by good guys only. They are the ones who enjoy the whole period of the relationship or friendship and if it’s an unfortunate end, then they don’t end up being traumatized.

Photo by Shamim Nakhaei on Unsplash

Being a good guy isn’t about being boring and unable to enjoy what bad boys seem to do, but it’s actually being one who enjoys healthy female interaction and, for her, it is like a dream which they usually want to come true.

What you can do to become one?

  1. Be honest with your intentions
  2. Don’t be too pushy with her
  3. Wear your heart on your sleeve and don’t be afraid to accept and confess your current emotional state.
  4. If you like her, let her know from the beginning don’t start by being just a friend
  5. Don’t ever force her for making out
  6. Have an excellent lifestyle for yourself that you aren’t dating just to get rid of loneliness.
  7. Workout and be fit, if possible play team sports
  8. Have a friend circle of passionate, enthusiastic people so that you have an interesting support system if something gets difficult in your relationship.
  9. Learn flirting techniques to make her keep feeling excited and interested in you
  10. If possible, watch a romantic movie together and try to put that script into your relationship too.

These are some ways by which you can have a healthy and interesting dating life without getting hurt and heart brokenly. By having such a dating life, you are creating memories for your whole life and will, later on, appreciate the time you’ve spent together. If you are fortunate enough, you may end up finding a life partner and crafting the relationship from the very beginning. It may sound too unrealistic to be true, but it’s possible and in fact advisable.

“Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.” — Henri Bergson

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe

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