What Mountains Teaches Us about Success and Failures?

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2023
Photo by Lucas Clara on Unsplash

Life itself is a series of success and failures, you cannot be successful for all the time. Even the thing which you consider success is just a concept of your own mind.

If you are someone who doesn’t move his body and stay lazy all the day, for you success is getting up and start running. That very moment you decide to start working out is your success. For someone who exercise daily, taking part in marathon.

See, success holds different meaning for different situations and different people. Everyone has their own definition of success.

Does your definition or concept of success true?

May be! But most probably not!

We are corrupted by our society to think success in terms of the amount of money we have and the social status we hold. Feeling successful and celebrating for your decision of working out and starting to improve your life doesn’t considered success in terms of social standards.

Sometimes you too are so busy in fulfilling those standards that you failed to realize that you yourself started to consider those things which your society accepts. As a result you feel demotivated all the time and you lack self motivation to do your work.

You need to re-build your concept of success!

You need to start looking at success and failure with a fresh new perspective. Consider an example, there are two persons one who already have nine-figure salary, a big house and a luxury car, let’s name this person as X and there is another person who is broke right-now and haven’t settled yet, let’s name this person as Y.

X decides to indulge himself in gambling and various kinds of addictions, while at the same time Y decides to give his life another chance, he starts working at nearby company and is dedicated to pay off his debts and to become financially a bit more stable, he decides to take care of his health and started running every morning.

After some times the results of X’s and Y’s decision will be public, but initially just at the moment when they both decide something and started to work for it, whom will you consider to be more successful? Probably person “Y”, as his decision will take him ahead in life.

That’s where our society and general point of views fails! They don’t consider anybody success or failure until the very sure-shot signs are visible, but the subtle and perhaps the most important aspects of success and failure is faced by us alone. At the end of the you and only you decide whether you are successful or not.

Now, what can we learn from mountains?

Mountains ask us to win our challenges, they want us to challenge our limits and start to give our best!

Through mountaineering, I’ve realized that at the beginning; it seems impossible to climb up the mountain, in the middle it takes our test and challenge our limits and in the top, it makes us feel like being at the top of the world. For us to climb up the mountain successfully we need to constantly keep taking right steps. If we start to look down we’ll become afraid and if we keep looking up we’ll slip and eventually fall.

Photo by Falaq Lazuardi on Unsplash

That’s how success and failure is, failure is either being afraid of looking at the danger or falling behind by thinking too much about reaching the top. If we look behind that I’ve already invested that much amount of effort but haven’t got any result yet; you’ll be afraid. If you keep fantasizing about reaching you destination, you’ll distract yourself from taking step and fall behind.

“Never measure the height of a mountain until you reach the top. Then you will see how low it was.” — Dag Hammerskjold

For success you need to keep taking the right step at the right time, and you need to be consistent throughout your journey. Reaching the top is just a by product of being constantly moving, the real success lies on your every single steps and the trust and confidence you build up in your journey.

Thanks for reading!



Durgesh Chandrawanshi
Victory Tribe

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