Interior digital signs for hospitals and medical centers

Nir Doron
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2018

Medical facilities are one of the fastest growing domains in Digital Signage. These facilities are huge, employ thousands and serve hundreds of thousands throughout a month. The digital signs are being used for internal employee communication, providing an easy channel for the management to communicate efficiently with the employees. Not less important use is for the visitors and patients in the public areas, in the various departments and obviously in the recreational/shopping area — the uses vary from direction finding, general information, advertising, information kiosk and queue management.

Recently, we can see new implementation of digital signage in the hospitals and large medical centers — in-room digital signage — it can be a TV channel, ‘wrapped’ by hospital messages, providing information and even advertisements to the patients and visitors, combined with TV content that helps people to better pass the long waiting times that we all know are part of the hospital routine.

Digital sign for hospitals and medical centers

Another great and innovative implantation that was recently observed and has a direct saving of operation costs is the Custom office door signs. A simple tablet, serving as a mini digital sign, placed near the office door of the various offices in the so familiar long halls with dozens, and ever-changing doctors (and others, like nurses, dietitian, social worker and so on) offices. A simple name template (nameplate?) that states the name, room number, expedites and working hours of the person in that room (as simple as an Android tiny tablet near the door). The content of the nameplate is dynamically changed from one source (floor admin’s PC?) instead of spending hours of walking the corridors updating it on a piece of paper (tedious and error prone activity!). The source that feeds the digital nameplates can be Excel file or Google sheet file that will be automatically updated on the digital room signs.

It is always nice to discover that our customers and partners are more innovative than us and can find innovative solutions with our products!


