About Now Realise This

Sharing our realisation on what we truly want and how we can realise our dreams.

Ying Ying & Jingles
Now Realise
1 min readFeb 23, 2020


Dear Readers,

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog and taking interest in what we want to share.

We are embarking our journey together as a couple to fulfil our hopes and dreams for our future. During this process, we are going to learn so much more about each other and ourselves. We wanted this space to be something where we can share insights and learnings from our journey so that you can learn what works and to avoid making the same mistakes as us.

Our ideal life together

Whatever we realise, we want to share with you, so that you can also understand and achieve something that you plan and hope for.

Our hopes are that we can inspire you through our stories so that you could also grow together with us.

Jingles and Ying Ying

Our ideal life together



Ying Ying & Jingles
Now Realise

Sharing our realisation journey towards growth, financial freedom and better relationship