Why I chose Stockholm over Silicon Valley & New York.

Now’s Our Chance
Published in
1 min readNov 28, 2015


If you could intern in a startup in any of these countries, where would you choose? Silicon Valley, New York, Stockholm, Beijing, Shanghai, India or Singapore?

These are all big startup cities with tons of entrepreneurship potential, but here are 3 reasons why I chose Stockholm.

Disclaimer: I have never been outside Asia prior to making this decision. It is based on first impressions on the world.

#1 Smaller startup scene

Big isn’t always better. The Stockholm startup scene is cosy. Everyone somehow seems to know everyone in this industry. The good thing here is that it’s easier to get to know people and make a dent. #SthlmTech

#2 Design forward

The Swedes are big on design.

Narrative, ShortcutLabs and Teenage Engineering. These are just some of the coolest hardware startups in the world. How can I forget, furniture giant IKEA to rule them all.

#3 Swedish values

They focus on the essentials and make them great. By saying no to superficiality, they are able to have a better work life balance. Work hard, play hard, and fika.

No regrets.

I really don’t know how to work in Asia anymore.

