My Answers

to Mark Starlin’s Questions

Tommy Paley
Now You Has Jazz
Published in
6 min readDec 8, 2019


Photo by John Torcasio on Unsplash

I know what you are all thinking (thank you ESP training!), finally Tommy is answering these questions!

What took me so long? (a little impatient of you, no?)

Well, I do have a life (stop looking so surprised) and maybe I was carefully considering my answers because I decided you deserved it. Or maybe I dropped everything, donned my thinking hat, and disappeared into the woods for the past week (would go a long way’s towards explaining all of the pine needles) only to reemerge shivering (December in Canada), hungry and ready to spill the beans (after promising my wife that I would clean them up this time).

With no further delay, here are my answers to these incredibly rich and nuanced questions that render most other questions as unnecessary, unintriguing and poorly worded.

If a cosmic blast of animal-matter rays hit the Earth, turning all humans into animals, what animal would you hope to become, and why?

Oddly this exact scenario is why I couldn’t sleep as a 16 year old. The answer is clearly a kangaroo, for obvious reasons. I won’t insult the intelligence of the readers (I’ve decided to stop doing this) by giving any details or explanations or delicious recipes involving kangaroos as that just seems wrong on multiple levels.



Tommy Paley
Now You Has Jazz

I write creative non-fiction, humorous and random short stories, unique and tasty recipes and fiction involving odd and funny relationships. I also love cheese.