One of Those Nights

You know the ones

Tommy Paley
Now You Has Jazz
2 min readSep 10, 2017


I just had one of those nights.

You know the ones.

One of those nights when I just lay there hoping and praying and wishing that I could just sleep, but instead I find myself caught in this vortex of being half-awake.

It should have been easy, as I was really tired.


I listened to my wife breath in and out as she peacefully sleeps next to me.

I flipped the pillow obsessively enjoying the momentary coolness.

I slowly opened one eye, staring at the advancing time on my alarm clock.

I tossed and turned again and again aching to get comfortable.

Any chance of a good sleep slowly vanished.


Beating myself up for not drifting off and worrying about how I will manage the morning as well as the busy day ahead of me.

How I longed to dream one of my perplexing pleasing dreams.

Like the one about visiting a tropical island full of amazingly beautiful mermaids who, after some initial pleasantries, soundly defeat me in game after game of chess.

Or the one where I am a top criminal lawyer and I not only show up late for court, but, for some reason, I am totally naked and that is precisely why I win.

And I can’t forget about the one where I am a bird who longs to be a hairdresser.

But, instead of happily descending into dreamland to escape, I just lay there forced to exist in a reality that doesn’t allow to me escape.

Too tired to get up. Too awake to sleep.

Why couldn’t I sleep?

Well, my throat was sore and each swallow caused a shockwave throughout my body.

I also ate dessert too late, which I know I shouldn’t do no matter how deliciously sweet the snack was.

And I spent the last few minutes before turning off the lights jumping and dodging obstacles as a minion in a game on my phone which I’ve been told makes it hard to settle down.

I just want to sleep tonight.

I’ll do anything.



Tommy Paley
Now You Has Jazz

I write creative non-fiction, humorous and random short stories, unique and tasty recipes and fiction involving odd and funny relationships. I also love cheese.