Let’s chat about Side Hustles & Self-care

Lessons from our third Instagram Live on side hustles and self-care with Yvette Ankrah.

On Wednesday 22nd April we held an Instagram live with the wonderful, Yvette Ankrah. Some snippets of what we discussed and more information about Yvette’s Side hustle courses below.

What are the characteristics of intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs?

Both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs have qualities such as passion, curiosity, tenacity and a positive mindset. Yvette encouraged us to ask for forgiveness and not permission when we see opportunities to be intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs!

Why do people burn out especially women? What is your self-care routine?

As women let’s be honest we love the busy label. Appearing busy and showcasing that yes I can have it all. This ultimately works against us. Instead we need to get comfortable with asking ourselves, is this what I really want? Or what my parents/culture/ boyfriend/society has convinced me is right to do?

Yvette shared her personal experiences of burnout and how she uses prioritisation, knowing her non-negotiables and treating herself as remedies for self-care.

She challenged us all to channel our inner toddler by saying NO! and setting boundaries.

Other key messages from our discussion below:

More about Yvette’s Side hustle programme, Exit your 9–5 with ease :

Exit your 9–5 with ease

How to transition with less hustle and more flow.

Are you a woman in middle and senior management who also has a side hustle and who wants to leave their 9–5?

I’m Dr Yvette Ankrah MBE a transformational coach and consultant with over 20 years business experience across a range of sectors (more about me here !) My journey has included making this transition and many others and I work mainly with high achieving women to transform their lives.

With the average person spending 90,000 hours at work across their lifetime, how you spend those hours is important. We often end up in careers that do not deeply fulfil us. You can be excelling and at the top of your game and still feel something is missing. Often that is when we start that side project, the one that we are passionate about, the one that makes a difference in society and fills that gap.

When you are in a space that does not make you happy it can be draining and stressful. I want you to walk out and not be carried out! Having experienced chronic illness and burnout, I’m passionate about helping others avoid and prevent these issues.

However, let’s be realistic when you’re used to earning a great salary and have a comfortable role, making that transition to becoming a business owner can be daunting and overwhelming. There are worries that you won’t make enough money, that people will not buy what you are selling, that family and friends may not get why you will leave something that is considered prestigious to set up on your own or that simply you don’t think you’re good enough to do it! Not to mention how exhausting it can be having a full-time job and trying to run something else on the side.

Here’s the thing, if you have already got a side business that is gaining traction, has a robust financial plan in place so that it will earn money, you have the skills and support to make it work, what is it that is truly stopping you moving forward?

Your mindset.

Mindset is everything and by understanding your thoughts and behaviours, your deep why, your story and the blocks in your way, you can take the leap.

We live in unprecedented times and now is the time to plan and decide how you want your future to be. Uncertainty is always scary and that is one of the reasons people stay where they are, even if it’s not where the heart lies. What this situation shows is that everything is uncertain! What you always have available to you is choice and you can make choices from the position of strength and empowerment and create the future you want to see.

I’ve created a new group programme for you, the side hustle business owners who want to turn that business into their main role but find they are not moving forward. This program will enable you to can get clarity who you truly are, what you really want and to create an exit strategy so you can move towards your true passion.

This program is designed to work on your mindset, help you build resilience, operate from strength clear limiting beliefs and keep you energised, motivated and on track with your plans for your future.

How many times have you said:

“When I get to this point, I will then do xyz”

“When I have this amount of money I will then…”

“Once I have got this in place I will then…”

However, do you find yourself still in the same position you were one, two or three years ago?

Doing the work and creating a plan means that then, becomes now.

Working together over eight weeks we will:

· Uncover your strengths

· Find your ‘why’

· Connect with your vision

· Set deep goals

· Explore and shift limiting beliefs

· Create a 90-day plan

This is a hybrid online programme where we will work together as a group (10 people maximum) and you’ll also have access to one-to-one support at the beginning and the end of the programme.

The online programme consists of videos and is accompanied by downloadable workbooks. Every week there is a live group call (7pm on Tuesday) which is recorded. You also have access to a Facebook group for your cohort.

There is also an option to enrol on the VIP program which includes one month of intensive one-to-one support to help you stay accountable and work on your plans.

I want to help you get ready to take that leap.

If you to want to know more about the programme and offers for this launch, which starts in May, click the logo and book-in the call to see if it is right for you.

To book a call https://bit.ly/20minPowersession or email hello@yvetteankrah.com



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