Now You’re Talking Network Monthly Newsletter: Being Intentional (April 2020)

Lola Ola
Now You’re Talking
2 min readApr 20, 2020

Welcome! We share a short extract from our monthly newsletter on Medium. Check it out below.

Lola here, and welcome to Now You’re Talking Network’s April newsletter edition titled: Being Intentional.

Before we dive into April’s edition, I would like you to pause. Close your eyes, inhale (For 3 seconds), exhale and now open your eyes.

Now let’s begin, during these times of uncertainty, whether you or one of your family members are on the frontline supporting those who have been affected or maybe you’re a business owner who unfortunately had to shut down or a consultant who’s been furloughed by their employer. During the midst of a crisis, we must be intentional with the way we process information and spend our time.

We have all seen a lot of tweets and posts that state if you’re not using this time to:

  • Start a business
  • Write a novel
  • Become a millionaire

Then you’re not using this time wisely or you’re lazy, from my perspective I’m using this time to take a mental break, upskill and work on my businesses but with care and precautions. Let me explain, once I graduated from university, I went straight on to a grad scheme and haven’t had the opportunity to take a sabbatical or a lengthy period off of work but here I am in 2020 with significantly reduced hours from work and now I have all the time in the world!

Yes, I could start another business or yes I can write a novel but with intention and on my own terms. So I am asking myself these questions:

  • Will this better me in the long run?
  • Am I doing this for me or society?
  • Does this align with my vision?

So ladies, how are you being intentional during this period? — tweet us to share!

The rest of this newsletter includes:

  • Detail of our upcoming events
  • Articles worth the extra browser tab
  • Podcasts you need in your life
  • Opportunities you can’t miss
  • Network shout outs

What are you waiting for? Sign up for yourself here.



Lola Ola
Now You’re Talking

I write all things, Personal Development, Product Management and I also touch on Gender Equality and Empowerment for girls/women