Now You’re Talking Network Monthly Newsletter: The Past, the Present and the Future (February 2020)

Lola Ola
Now You’re Talking
2 min readMar 31, 2020

Welcome! We share a short extract from our monthly newsletter on Medium. Check it out below.

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”– Lyndon B. Johnson

Lola here, and welcome to Now You’re Talking Network’s February newsletter edition themed around the past, the present and the future.

As I write this, it will be a few days till my birthday (Whoop Whoop, thankful for another year!) and during the lead up to this celebratory day, I often reflect on my past, analyse my present and dream about the future.

The questions I ask myself during this period:

  • When did I feel at my lowest point and why?
  • What lessons have I learnt?
  • What are my biggest accomplishments?
  • When did I feel inspired, alive or excited and why?

An amazing tool that I have been using to answer some of these questions is The Year Compass which is a booklet that helps you close your year and plan ahead for the next one.

Why not have a go at this exercise, where you’ll deep dive into what you want your year to look like and most importantly, why. It’s free too!

The rest of this newsletter includes:

  • Detail of our upcoming events
  • Articles worth the extra browser tab
  • Podcasts you need in your life
  • Opportunities you can’t miss
  • Network shout outs

What are you waiting for? Sign up for yourself here.



Lola Ola
Now You’re Talking

I write all things, Personal Development, Product Management and I also touch on Gender Equality and Empowerment for girls/women